after migrating to 1.9.2
I have a problem with bundle product:
I add a bundle in the basket and I have a blank page.
In checkout, after adress choice, I am redirected to the checkout / cart and I also have a blank page.
Someone has an idea to solve this problem?
Best regards
Is there any errors that are logged to the var/log/system.log or var/log/exception.log?
They might point you in the right direction.
no errors in log
it's the same on a clean install magento 1.9.2
It really is a problem magento !
What about in your apache (or other webserver logs).
Also... could you try turning on developer mode? e.g. put Mage::setIsDeveloperMode(true); in your index.php
In fact, the problem occurs when saving the billing address in checkout (if there is a bundle in shopping cart).
I have no logs, just a blank page.
After investigating the blocking method is Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address::collectTotals()
But I don't know fix!
Do you see any response in your browser inspector (developer tools, firebug etc..)
Do you see any JavaScript errors?
I don't have any response or any errors!
Is this on a URL that we can see anywhere so we can see it for ourselves to try and help better?
Is there nothing showing up in your apache error log? It is usually located /var/log/apache2/error_log but will depend on your setup.
I enable log level "debug" on Apache2 server but have no report!