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Transferring product images between 2 installations

Transferring product images between 2 installations

I have 2 separate installations A and B.  I have copied the product images (/media/catalog/product) in A over to B. I have also successfully exported the product information from A to B.   The product information and categories shows up as planned but none of the images are showing.  If I manually go into each product and reload a given image from my desktop through the admin panel, everything is fine.  Is there a way to avoid doing this for each product or can I somehow shortcut this process?


Re: Transferring product images between 2 installations



can you just check what is path generating for any specific product image in frontend? You have to check DB that should have same path and image name for that product. Check permission too for transferred images. Run cache flush command and try it again. 

Manish Mittal

Re: Transferring product images between 2 installations

Thank you for your response.  I ended up using the method shown in this link: .  I modified the import-product-images.csv file with the fields sku, image, small_image and thumbnail in accordance with the exported .csv file.  Everything looks good now.

Re: Transferring product images between 2 installations



Great! Cheers

Manish Mittal

Re: Transferring product images between 2 installations

@FaceTime for PC wrote:

I have 2 separate installations A and B.  I have copied the product images (/media/catalog/product) in A over to B. I have also successfully exported the product information from A to B.   The product information and categories shows up as planned but none of the images are showing.  If I manually go into each product and reload a given image from my desktop through the admin panel, everything is fine.  Is there a way to avoid doing this for each product or can I somehow shortcut this process?

Moving files to Commons is an activity of moving freely licensed files from Wikipedia to the Wikimedia Commons, which serves as the central file repository for all Wikimedia Foundation projects. When our local files are transferred there, they will provide the added benefit of becoming instantly and globally available across all Wikimedia Foundation projects.

Re: Transferring product images between 2 installations

First, you will need to know the data format required by Magento for import. The simplest way to do this is to create a sample product in Magento and export all products. To do this:

  1. Go to System > Import/Export > DataFlow – Profiles
  2. Edit the Export All Products profile and Run Profile

The exported CSV file will be placed in the /var/export folder. You will need to FTP into your Magento hosting to retrieve the file.