Hi all,
a first Magento experience:
1. A production (Live) Magento system is runnng;
2. The developers requested a development Server, which has to be identical to the production server.
1. Installation of a new development Server (Done).
2. Install a new Magento system. (Done)
3. Export all Data as CSV Files from the Live Server Server with the "Data Flow Profiles".
4. Presuming the exported CSV file structure from the PROD Sever is compatible to the import data structure of the DEV Server, the exported file.CSV is taken as source file for the import.
The following errors occur:
Starting profile execution, please wait...Warning:
Please do not close the window during importing/exporting dataStarting Mage_Dataflow_Model_Convert_Parser_Csv :: parseFound 412 rows.Starting catalog/convert_adapter_product :: parseSkip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Weine" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Spirituosen" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Spirituosen" is invalid for field "attribute_set"Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"Skip import row, the value "Spirituosen" is invalid for field "attribute_set"
These Errors are issued for each Data-set.
Why is Magento not importing the un-changed exports; both are Version 1.9.3.x. Were there significant data format changes between Ver and Ver
Any help appreciated!
You're trying to import product data, but you're lacking Attribute Set Weine on your target system.
Please note that bot Attributes and Attribute Sets are not part of product information, even though their values are. You need to make sure that they exist before executing your import.
Yeah you'll need to manually set up all your attributes and categories before you try to import - or find an extension that helps you do it in bulk - but if you don't have too many, just do it manually. Your import csv can't find the attributes or values in your spreadsheet.