Hope that someone is able to assist. I have setup magento 2.4 on Ubuntu and installed porto theme.
I am having an issue when i test the checkout process. I am trying to do a money order.The order is created in the Magento backend so i can see the order in admin but the frontend page sits spinning forever with no error received.
I have spent days trying to resolve.
I have enabled developer mode as trying to get some sort of error back from the system to point me in the correct direction.
I am new to magento and if someone is able to suggest pointing me in the correct direction.
Looking at trying to see if i can move my logs to verbose if that's possible?
Did try the following as well:
alias mage="php -d memory_limit=-1 -f bin/magento" chmod -R 775 pub/static/ var/ pub/media/ && rm -rf vendor/* var/view_preprocessed/ var/cache/ var/page_cache/ var/tmp/ var/generation/ pub/static/frontend/ ; composer install && composer update -vv; php -r "opcache_reset();" mage cache:flush & mage indexer:reindex & mage setup:static-content:deploy && mage setup:upgrade && mage setup:db-data:upgrade && mage dev:source-theme:deploy && chmod -R 775 pub/static/ pub/media/ var/
Please check the API response from the java script there should be a message.
Steps to follow.
1. Inspect element
2. Navigate to network section
3. Complete the checkout process and check the network call response It will update you about the issue.
This is the result i receive back. Nothing in the response but the file is payment-inforation.
Hello @rossrobertcca9
Sometimes after modifying any .js file in magento cache related to JS are not cleared correctly. So we need to clear it through the terminal... Please run the following commands:
This is a common issue. Sometimes after modifying any .js file in magento cache related to JS are not cleared correctly. So we need to clear it through the terminal... Please run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
私はあなたがすることが好きです。日本のオンラインカジノでリアルマネーでプレーするには、まだお金を入金する必要があります。日本のオンラインカジノでサポートされているほぼ無限のオプションから、お好きなカジノデポジット方法を選択する必要があります。日本のオンラインカジノで入金する最も一般的な方法については、https://expressdigest.com/methods-of-making-a-deposit-in-an-online-casino-in-japan/ にアクセスしてください。これらは事実上通常オンラインでアクセス可能であり、引き出しと預金に使用できます。リストにある支払いオプションのいずれかを使用して、すばらしいゲームをプレイし、好きなだけ楽しむことができます。時間をかけて、どれがカジノに最適で、どれを実際に採用したいかを決定します。