I'm working a project migration a multishop based in Magento
I'm working in develop server with all database (old and new) in server instance.
In first migration get some problems with any rows in original table core_config_data in scope column.
First attempt
magento migrate:settings /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Settings Step]: started [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Stores Step]: started [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Settings Step]: started [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Stores Step]: started [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: started [2019-11-20 17:31:32][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: Migration completed%
Go to dashboard
0 stores migrate...
0 Products
Try with reset (I've work before with a database clean install, installed modules, and verified work)
magento migrate:settings --reset /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ 17:31:32 Reset the current position of migration to start from the beginning [2019-11-20 17:37:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Settings Step]: started 100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2019-11-20 17:37:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity check][step: Stores Step]: started 100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2019-11-20 17:37:11][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Settings Step]: started 100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2019-11-20 17:37:14][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration][step: Stores Step]: started 100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2019-11-20 17:37:14][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: started 100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec [2019-11-20 17:37:14][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check][step: Stores Step]: Migration completed%
In browser get this error:
An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details.
==> var/log/system.log <== [2019-11-20 17:38:57] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type '' ==> var/log/debug.log <== [2019-11-20 17:38:57] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type '' ==> var/log/exception.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:03] main.CRITICAL: Invalid scope type '' {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Invalid scope type '' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} ==> var/log/debug.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:03] main.CRITICAL: Invalid scope type '' {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Invalid scope type '' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} ==> var/log/system.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:09] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type '' ==> var/log/debug.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:09] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type '' ==> var/log/exception.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:15] main.CRITICAL: Invalid scope type '' {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Invalid scope type '' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} ==> var/log/debug.log <== [2019-11-20 17:39:15] main.CRITICAL: Invalid scope type '' {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Invalid scope type '' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"}
Well... go to mysql for see problem with scopes
mysql> SELECT * FROM tienda_ovh.st1_core_config_data WHERE scope=""; +-----------+-------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | config_id | scope | scope_id | path | value | updated_at | +-----------+-------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | 2452 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | +-----------+-------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Delete ? Yes
Try other time for log to dashboard
==> var/log/system.log <== ' [] []1-20 17:42:31] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type ' ==> var/log/debug.log <== ' [] []1-20 17:42:31] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type ' ==> var/log/exception.log <== ' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} [] ==> var/log/debug.log <== ' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} [] ==> var/log/system.log <== ' [] []1-20 17:42:41] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type ' ==> var/log/debug.log <== ' [] []1-20 17:42:41] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type ' ==> var/log/exception.log <== ' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} [] ==> var/log/debug.log <== ' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} []
Well, I think the best way is and select
mysql> SELECT * FROM tienda_ovh.st1_core_config_data WHERE scope NOT IN ('stores', 'default', 'websites'); +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | config_id | scope | scope_id | path | value | updated_at | +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3319 | TEST TO | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3323 | WA | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3322 | WA 9810 | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3307 | {/if} {i | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3298 | |{/if ci | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3296 | |{/if na | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3299 | |{/if re | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3297 | |{/if st | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ 12 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Well, I try best
mysql> SELECT * FROM tienda_ovh.st1_core_config_data WHERE path = ''; +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | config_id | scope | scope_id | path | value | updated_at | +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3296 | |{/if na | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3297 | |{/if st | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3298 | |{/if ci | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3299 | |{/if re | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3307 | {/if} {i | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3319 | TEST TO | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3322 | WA 9810 | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | | 3323 | WA | 0 | | | 2019-11-20 17:37:14 | +-----------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------------------+ 12 rows in set (0.01 sec)
First attempt delete 3290
Reload access...
No is more simple
[2019-11-20 17:50:59] main.CRITICAL: Invalid scope type '|{/if na' {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Invalid scope type '|{/if na' at /home/tienda/tienda_develop/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/ScopeResolverPool.php:40)"} []
I delete the row and try again
[2019-11-20 17:52:32] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type '|{/if st' [] []
Same process for all rows with if
==> var/log/system.log <== [2019-11-20 17:54:25] main.ERROR: Invalid scope type ' TEST TO' [] []
After delete all problems steep by step, get other error
==> var/log/system.log <== [2019-11-20 17:56:42] main.ERROR: Default store is inactive [] [] ==> var/log/debug.log <== [2019-11-20 17:56:42] main.ERROR: Default store is inactive [] []
{ "0": "Default store is inactive", "1": "<pre>#1 Magento\\Store\\Model\\StoreResolver->getCurrentStoreId() called at [vendor\/magento\/module-store\/Model\/StoreManager.php:160]\n#2 Magento\\Store\\Model\\StoreManager->getStore() called at [generated\/code\/Magento\/Store\/Model\/StoreManagerInterface\/Proxy.php:119]\n#3 Magento\\Store\\Model\\StoreManagerInterface\\Proxy->getStore() called at [vendor\/magento\/module-store\/Model\/Resolver\/Store.php:30]\n#4 Magento\\Store\\Model\\Resolver\\Store->getScope() called at [vendor\/magento\/framework\/App\/Config\/ScopeCodeResolver.php:49]\n#5 Magento\\Framework\\App\\Config\\ScopeCodeResolver->resolve() called at [vendor\/magento\/framework\/App\/Config.php:69]\n#6 Magento\\Framework\\App\\Config->getValue() called at [vendor\/magento\/module-backend\/App\/Area\/FrontNameResolver.php:123]\n#7 Magento\\Backend\\App\\Area\\FrontNameResolver->isHostBackend() called at [vendor\/magento\/module-backend\/App\/Area\/FrontNameResolver.php:106]\n#8 Magento\\Backend\\App\\Area\\FrontNameResolver->getFrontName() called at [vendor\/magento\/framework\/App\/AreaList.php:73]\n#9 Magento\\Framework\\App\\AreaList->getCodeByFrontName() called at [vendor\/magento\/framework\/App\/Http.php:132]\n#10 Magento\\Framework\\App\\Http->launch() called at [vendor\/magento\/framework\/App\/Bootstrap.php:261]\n#11 Magento\\Framework\\App\\Bootstrap->run() called at [pub\/index.php:40]\n<\/pre>", "url": "\/index.php\/anononono\/admin\/auth\/logout\/key\/783783d16ceaecc11ba58cee585fd9445aa35b63e72e7f19d5653faafa1bfb42\/", "script_name": "\/index.php" }
Well this issue I think is a problem with this solution
UPDATE `tienda_ovh`.`st1_store` SET `is_active` = '1' WHERE (`store_id` = '1');
Try other time again.
After 2 minutes only this error en logs
[2019-11-20 18:02:02] main.DEBUG: Request validation failed for action "Magento\Backend\Controller\Adminhtml\Index\Index\Interceptor" [] []
An in browser get
Any idea?
Hello @abkrim
is your magento 2 fresh installed without sample data?
if no then install fresh magento 2 and then try to migrate it.
Magento 2 is a fresh installed Magento with composer method. Also installed extensions for compatibility between two versions.
Any data when try migration.
I've have a mysqldump of database on every steeps.
Hello @abkrim
just install magento and don't install any extension and try to migrate your store.
After reinstall in other account a fresh magento 2 I see possible error.
I forget un mark Apache Rewrite during installation steps. ANd fresh magento get same problem.
My Magento 1 is based on Apache + PHP-FPm and Magento 2 is in Nginx + PHP-FPM.
I think that in migration settings there're a a value for Apache rewrites... but I don't know it.