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Your current session has been expired.

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Your current session has been expired.

Hi I am having trouble logging on the admin panel, it always bring me to this prompt "Your current session has been expired." I tried solutions from the web like, editing session.gc_maxlifetime on my php.ini, adding this to .htaccess "

#resetting the max cookie lifetime to one day to allow
# long sessions
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 86400" but still it won't me login, I used and tried modifying my hostfile still no success. can you help me with this? Thanks

Re: Your current session has been expired.



You can delete cache file from var/cache/ folder from Magento  then try login again may be it work .


Please mark accept if the post helps you.




Re: Your current session has been expired.



same problem here... Even with cache disabled.


Tried a lot of setup related stuff, but this seems to be related to the magento update to 2.1.0


gewaechshaus® - Agentur für Marken & E-Commerce
Wir ❤ Magento. Seit 2008.

Re: Your current session has been expired.



i changed the core_config_data tbl

admin/security/session_lifetime -> 86400


and the php.ini session.gc_maxlifetime, session.cookie_lifetime to 86400 and it works...

So this should be related to localization/time.



gewaechshaus® - Agentur für Marken & E-Commerce
Wir ❤ Magento. Seit 2008.

Re: Your current session has been expired.

I've just installed a clean 2.10 installation and am also having the same problem. I don't have the database entry in core_config_data though so can't increase the timeout!


Yet another issue after constant ones trying to get Mag 2+ working for months. Does anyone have a fix for this? PLEASE.


Thank you.

Re: Your current session has been expired.

This forum is intended a way to ask architectural or directional questions, it is not a bug reporting forum. We use GitHub issues for bugs. I just got back from leave, so no-one else was watching this space sorry for reported problems.


Things I know of is there used to be a "feature" in some versions of Chrome when not using a domain name with a "." in it. E.g. "localhost" would not work. I believe that was fixed a long time ago however, so I would be surprised if it is still happening.


Another thing to check is the clock on your system, timezones of web server versus web browser etc. Something might be timing out the requests too quickly.


If none of the other responses on this thread help, I would then suggest raising it as in issue on GitHub (and leave a link here to the issue for other people to find later). More than one person seems to be having the problem, but I have not heard of large numbers having the problem. Including details such as your web browser and version might therefore help - it sounds something environmental. (That does not mean its a bug - it might just mean we need to know more about your environment to work out what is going wrong.)