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Customer Login in footer and header.

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Customer Login in footer and header.

Hello Guys, 


I have got a problem, the customer log in and create an account link in not listed on the site, I want to add this into the top menu and the footer as a link. If you could let me know how I could do this. 






Re: Customer Login in footer and header.

Hi @CharlotteLW


Just follow the below steps:


Step 1:Create footer Login and other links


Create local.xml in your magento theme like a path

app\design\frontend\myPakage\myTheme\layout\local.xml and add the code your created local.xml


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="footer"><!-- parent block -->
            <action method="insert"><!-- this PHP class method sets the relationship -->
                <block_name_to_insert>top.links</block_name_to_insert><!--use the block name in the layout, not the alias. See Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::insert() -->
                <sort_relative_to_other_childname/><!-- empty val is fine here -->
                <sort_before_or_after/><!-- not relevant -->
                <alias>topLinks</alias><!-- because you are using the original alias, need to re-specify that here -->

Step 2: Create header Login and other links

Go to theme header.phtml file 
app\design\frontend\myPakage\myTheme\template\page\html\header.phtml edit and add the blowe code which you want to display on front-end header 


<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topLinks') ?>

 Clear all catch and check front-end site.


Hope this helps you.

Query solved? Accept as Solution.Thanks
Eric Baily