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INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´

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INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´


I created a new column (CHECK_CUSTOMER) in sales_flat_order table.


When i place an order from frontend, i need to insert into sales_flat_order (CHECK_CUSTOMER field) a value.


which files i should modify/add to insert a value in that table when i place an order on frontend? Also i use OPC (One Page Checkout) module.



Accepted Solutions

Re: INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´

Magento has its own DB mapping aka ORM, when a model is loaded, every column value is mapped to a key of its protected var $_data, and accessable by setData/getData, and when you save the model, it will try to save the values in $_data back to  table.

setCheckCustomer($value)  is not defined in order model, but it will be translated to setData('check_customer', $value) automatically by magic method, and in this way, we changed 'check_customer' key value if $_data in order model, when magento finially save it, it will be pushed to table.

View solution in original post


Re: INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´

read through Mage_Sales_Model_Service_Quote, you will find severial events you can utilize.

the best one IMO is 'sales_convert_quote_address_to_order', you can create an observer to change order table data in one save.

public function addCheckCustomerToOrder($observer) {

link about how to setup observer

Re: INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´

I did this:


I added in config.xml of One Page Checkout:







Then on Observer.php i added this:


    public function addCheckCustomerToOrder($observer){
        Mage::log('ok1', null, 'addCheckCustomerToOrder.log');
        Mage::log('ok2', null, 'addCheckCustomerToOrder.log');
        Mage::log('goi'.$observer->getOrder()->getOrderId(), null, 'addCheckCustomerToOrder.log');
        Mage::log('gii'.$observer->getOrder()->getIncrementId(), null, 'addCheckCustomerToOrder.log');


Logs reusult:

2015-08-12T08:13:52+00:00 DEBUG (7): ok1
2015-08-12T08:13:52+00:00 DEBUG (7): ok2
2015-08-12T08:13:52+00:00 DEBUG (7): goi
2015-08-12T08:13:52+00:00 DEBUG (7): gii100000170


My question is how do I know that this method  "$observer->getOrder()->setCheckCustomer('xxx');" it refers at CHECK_CUSTOMER column from sales_flat_order?



Re: INSERT VALUE INTO ´sales_flat_order´

Magento has its own DB mapping aka ORM, when a model is loaded, every column value is mapped to a key of its protected var $_data, and accessable by setData/getData, and when you save the model, it will try to save the values in $_data back to  table.

setCheckCustomer($value)  is not defined in order model, but it will be translated to setData('check_customer', $value) automatically by magic method, and in this way, we changed 'check_customer' key value if $_data in order model, when magento finially save it, it will be pushed to table.