We often face Database server does not support InnoDB storage engine while installing the Magento for the first time.
Given below some of quick fix to make it rectify the issue and make it work.
Go To Line 59 of the file app/code/core/Mage/Install/Model/Installer/Db/Mysql4.php
public function supportEngine()
$variables = $this->_getConnection()
->fetchPairs('SHOW VARIABLES');
return (!isset($variables['have_innodb']) || $variables['have_innodb'] != 'YES') ? false : true;
With this:
public function supportEngine()
$variables = $this->_getConnection()
->fetchPairs('SHOW ENGINES');
return (isset($variables['InnoDB']) && $variables['InnoDB'] != 'NO');
Does this code works with magento version 2 ?
you suggesting that you should use Magento on a server that doesn't support INNODB? If so it's really not a good idea as you will end up with an awful lot of orphan data. Magento uses cascading deletes and updates that are triggered by INNODB foreign keys and without them data will not be deleted/updated in child tables leading to bloat in your DB and possible data corruption. Really not recommended!
Quite simply, if a hosting package doesn't support INNODB don't use it!
@vinoth1988 wrote:Does this code works with magento version 2 ?
Notoriously bad advice that will bite anyone following it pretty spectacularly at a future date.
Missing delete on cascade foreign key relationships will allow your database to swell beautifully with time.
Database corruption from running on a system that doesn't have transactional tracking and rollback capabilities and the bad taste of running on an inadequate hosting service (which not having InnoDB is a really good indicator) will leave you with a Magento experience you will love to hate.
after replaceing your code i still have this massage:
Database server does not support InnoDB storage engine while installing