I am new in magento. I want to remove payment step in checkout/onepage/index page and also I want when remove this step the connection to the bank will save and with click order button in review step, customer will connect to bank for payment.
Thank you so much for helping.
I am having difficult in understanding your english. But if I understood you need to remove the "payment" part during check-out.
I tried 2 whole days to getting this to be done. This link explains how it could be done. You must follow all the steps. http://excellencemagentoblog.com/blog/2011/10/17/magento-onestep-checkout-remove-payment-method-step...
But there is a free extension too http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/reduced-checkout-free.html
Hope this helps
I'm sorry for my english.
Yes, I saw that article and also I do those steps but when I use that solution when click the order button in review step it doesn't connect to bank for payment and it just show the page that say thank you for your shopping!
I want the customer will connect to the bank page for pay the price.
@E_Gdz wrote:I'm sorry for my english.
Yes, I saw that article and also I do those steps but when I use that solution when click the order button in review step it doesn't connect to bank for payment and it just show the page that say thank you for your shopping!
I want the customer will connect to the bank page for pay the price.
Please let me know the payment gateway you are trying to access.
I am Iranian and live in Iran and I use one of our bank gateway for payment. The name of bank is Mellat.
@E_Gdz wrote:I am Iranian and live in Iran and I use one of our bank gateway for payment. The name of bank is Mellat.
When I searched I got this payment extension. I think there is no default support for this bank in magento. You have to use this http://ext.topmage.com/MagentoFarsi_Mellatpayment.html or create your own payment gateway.
Yes, I use this extension and before I remove payment step from checkout everything is ok but when I remove this step I can't connect to bank and my problem is here that how can I connect to bank if I remove this step?
Thanks for answers.
@E_Gdz wrote:Yes, I use this extension and before I remove payment step from checkout everything is ok but when I remove this step I can't connect to bank and my problem is here that how can I connect to bank if I remove this step?
Thanks for answers.
You have installed this extension. That extension seems to be working. But now due to some reason you want to remove showing the payment selection (since it just have one payment?) now the payment does not works. Correct?
In my link to excellence blog link there is one line
var params = 'payment[method]=free';
Changing the "free" above to your payment gatway name might work. Have you tried that?
Or there is a error thrown which is not visible?
Or there is a form_key issues?
I try to find payment gatway name but I can't find it. In which file I can find it?
I also remove free from this line : var params = 'payment[method]'; but it doesn't work!
@E_Gdz wrote:I try to find payment gatway name but I can't find it. In which file I can find it?
I also remove free from this line : var params = 'payment[method]'; but it doesn't work!
To get the payment name try this..
Go to adminmenu > system > Configuration > SALES > Payment methods
Better use firefox firebug to get the name with "inspect element"
Right click Debug then you could see the text box name with the [name] name.
You can also use view source and find the name.