I've got some problems with subcategories that don't shows up in the Navigation Menu...
All settings like "Is Active" and "include in navigation menu" are set on Yes/Enabled.
I really don't know what to do...
Thank You
Hi @AndreCamp
If you are using the deafult menu structure, you can check two things. First of all the obvious, clear Block Cache. Secoundly check in the admin under:
System > Configuration > Catalog > Category Top Navigation > Maximal Depth
Check that this is either 0 or higher then what level of subcategories you have.
If you are using a custome menu module, could specific which one?
The Maximal Depth is fine and caches as well...
I'm using the theme Blanco from 8theme but i don't know if it use a custom menu module, how can i find out?
Hi @AndreCamp
The easy way would be turning on template hints and seeing of the navigation template is the default one, and what block is rendering the template it points to :-)
Yes, it points to a custom module.
I've found the file(.../navigation/top.phtml) but honestly I really don't know what to do...
I've just tried to set the default theme and I've got the same problem, subcategories don't want to show...
Hi @AndreCamp
What block is controlling the navigation template? You can check this by printing <?php echo get_class($this); ?> inside the template file.
Hi @AndreCamp
What version of Magento are you using?
For newer versions of Magento this should be: Mage_Page_Block_Html_Topmenu controllering the top navigation by default.