I've googled this issue but can't find any mention of it or a solution so I'm asking.
We have a number of configurable products that on the category page it is not displaying the base price (the price listed in the 'parent product') It appears to be picking a random price from the child products. All is good on the product page itself it is just on the category pages. Also some show the 'From £' label and some don't. We thought it was an issue of how the SKU's are alpha sorted but that doesn't appear to have solved it. This page is a good example as 5 of the products, basically all of the config. products on the page are affected http://www.innerwolf.co.uk/transporting/dog-carrier-and-crates/soft-dog-crates-and-fabric-dog-carrie...
Has anyone else had this problem or any experience of the cause? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Obviously we are concerned that people will land on the category page, see an 'inflated price' and then leave and not click into the product itself and see that it does actually start a lot cheaper.
Many thank
Hi @innerwolf,
Did you tried changing the desgin to the Magento's default to be sure if some of those problems aren't related with the theme?
Can you pick 1 product and share the category view, product view and backend data to compare?
I managed to figure out that is was relating to any configurable products that were created on the old website design and had been transferred over to the new site that were affected. Any that had been created on the new site were displaying correctly. So the solution, although time consuming, was to recreate all of the related simple products from the 'parent' listing. Sorted!