Hi Guys
The link from the front end customer register and login has failed and just returns the page without any errors.
Any help on how to check this appreciated.
Magento ver
Are you using a custom theme? In that case, can you check using RWD?
Can you activate your Magento's logs to see if there is any kind of error with the login?
Hi Damian
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
The main issue is I can not access the system configuration in the admin panel as it just creates a blank page.
I also have this error showing: 'Formkey validation on checkout disabled. This may expose security risks. We strongly recommend to Enable Form Key Validation On Checkout in Admin / Security Section, for protect your own checkout process.'
which i can't check as I can't access the Admin page.
Any thoughts?
Are your file permissions set correctly? Do also check if you are running out of disk space for the server.