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Magento 1.9 Order Canceled - What is the issue new order canceled by automatically?

Magento 1.9 Order Canceled - What is the issue new order canceled by automatically?

I have received order, if i try to take invoice its not possible to do that because of qty canceled as well as Canceled updated in Comment History,

I am using CCAvenue Payment Gateway.




Screenshot :


How to solve the issue?


Re: Magento 1.9 - What is issue new order qty canceled?

Hello @Aveeva 


What payment method you are using?
If it is online, isn't it automatically generate the invoice?
What was the qty before in case you remember?

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Re: Magento 1.9 - What is issue new order qty canceled?

@theMageComp  I am using CCAvenue Payment Gateway, if order received no issue after some times Qty canceled in order page.


screenshot :


What is the possibilities of error?

Re: Magento 1.9 - What is issue new order qty canceled?

@theMageComp  I just updated, pls see my post. Thank You.