Dear Readers,
All of my e-mail templates work just fine. But one the Order comfirmation would not parse the code into HTML. I just get this e-mail:
In the preview the template looks fine
{{%customer_name,}}{{%customer_name,}}{{theme5}}} {{{Bedankt voor uw bestelling bij .}}{{Bedankt voor uw bestelling bij %store_name.}}{{Thank you for your order from %store_name.}}{{theme5}}} {{{Zodra we uw pakket verzenden sturen wij u een Track- en Tracenummer.}}{{Zodra we uw pakket verzenden sturen wij u een Track- en Tracenummer.}}{{Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number.}}{{theme5}}} {{{U kunt de status van uw bestelling controleren door in te loggen op uw account.}}{{U kunt de status van uw bestelling controleren door in te loggen op uw account.}}{{You can check the status of your order by logging into your account.}}{{theme5}}}
Hi @levistyl,
Is not clear if you're talking about Magento 1 or 2 (the subject says 2 but the forum is for M1).
I guess you mean M2 so can you check the template?
Edit email templates
And the try to edit or add a new one just to see the content of the file:
Edit email templates
Can you confirm if the template looks similar?
Tnx for your reply. The change of the template would not show in the e-mail. So is does not pick up any changes. Is there a direct path to the order confirmation file?
Those files are located in /vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/email but remember that each template can be changed by configuration.
Also, don't edit those files. Use the Templates editor on backend and then change the configuration.
You need to follow below process for modify core files,
For Guest Order,
just copy this file to your theme,
For registered User you need to modify below template,
Just copy to your theme folder,
After completing above process,
run command,
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
if issue resolved, Click Kudos/Accept as solutions.