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Magento appends the theme in Google search title

Magento appends the theme in Google search title

When I Google search for my company name it comes up as something like this: 


Company Name - SM Parna 


How would I remove the SM Parna part of it?




Re: Magento appends the theme in Google search title

Looks like the theme name is appended in the title tag for your website. First check the default title by going to your admin panel: System > Configuration > Design [HTML Head]. Also check the title of your CMS pages.

Sindre M, CEO & Founder - The Magento Hosting Experts

Re: Magento appends the theme in Google search title

It doesn't seem to appear in the HTML head at all or any of the CMS pages. 'SM Parna' is appended to everything that I google search with my company's website. For example 'My company name login page - SM Parna' or 'My company name terms of services - SM Parna.'