When I try to edit an existing product on Magento, After hitting "Save and continue edit" button , It does not save anything at all and just goes to admin dashboard .
So I checked the "Network" tab in inspect element of Chrome browser and saw this error :
Here is the highlighted file (prototype.js) lines containing 1739 :
try { var response = new Ajax.Response(this); if (this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(response); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, response); this.transport.open(this.method.toUpperCase(), this.url, this.options.asynchronous); if (this.options.asynchronous) this.respondToReadyState.bind(this).defer(1); this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); this.setRequestHeaders(); this.body = this.method == 'post' ? (this.options.postBody || params) : null; /* line 1739 */ this.transport.send(this.body); /* Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests */ if (!this.options.asynchronous && this.transport.overrideMimeType) this.onStateChange(); }
So how can I fix this problem ? What's wrong with this ?
Your problem is not with Prototype, but with "403 (Forbidden)". There's probably some kind of web server directive that makes ajax request fail.
I have the same problem, I am using magento 1.9.1. It was running and working fine but before 2 days i fetch the issue Plz anyone give the solution. I am sure it is not the server issue.
Did anyone got solutions for this?. Please help me if so
Did you find a solution to this?
I inherited a Mag 1.9 site that I have to keep running for a few months until it can be replaced.
Something has changed from last week and now
Products and customers > save and continue > no save and redirect to dashboard.
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily