Hi, my question is:
when i place an order, the order confirmation mail is sent, but it takes between half an hour to a whole hour to be received.
Cronjob is set to every 5 minutes.
When i send a credit memo or invoice directly from the magento admin, it arrives immediately , so it's only the automatic order confirmation mail after placing an order that takes a very long time for a customer as well as myself (Bcc) to receive the mail.
This is very annoying because customers will not know their order has successfully been received and i learn about the order after an hour as well.
Magento version
Help and info will be much appreciated ;-)
Thanks for the reply.
my hoster emptied the queue table, but no difference unfortunately.
Order confirmation still takes about one hour to receive but most other mail are send and received immediately ....... although i had a invoice comment mail that took about half an hour as well.....