I cannot get PayPal Express Checkout working. On last step of the checkout, I get an error:
"PayPal gateway has rejected request. The transaction currency specified must be the same as previously specified (#10444: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details)."
I have contacted PayPal for help, but they say it is an integration issue. Here is their replay:
Thank you for contacting PayPal Merchant Technical Services.
I can see in our logs that you receive this error because you to not pass a currencycode variable to Do Express Checkout API call and as result payment fails.
You would have to get in touch with your Webmaster or shopping cart provider and ask them to check why this variable is missing in DO Express Checkout API call.
Here is information form our logs:
As you can see in DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest the currecycode variable is missing.
token "EC-3PJ279244K753900R"
paymentaction "Authorization"
returnfmfdetails "1"
method "DoExpressCheckoutPayment"
version "65.2"
amt "6.00"
itemamt "4.00"
shippingamt "1.00"
taxamt "1.00"
buttonsource "Varien_Cart_EC"
notifyurl "http://mywebsite.com/paypal/ipn/"
number "1207"
qty "1"
Timestamp 20-Jul-2015 12:40:40 BST (1437392440)
timestamp "2015-07-20T11:40:40Z"
correlationid "4c007d7792fcd"
ack "Failure"
version "65.2"
build "17403434"
errorcode 10444
shortmessage "Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details."
longmessage "The transaction currency specified must be the same as previously specified."
severitycode "Error"
errorparamid ""
errorparamvalue ""
Here you can find some useful information about DoExpressCheckoutPayment API Operation (NVP):
Since it was too technical for me I have asked again them to explain. Here is their replay:
This means that the currency code is not passed to checkout final stage, to complete actual payment and as result it fails.
This would be more integration issue and in this case you will have to get in touch with shopping cart provider (Magento) or your Webmaster and ask them to check why this may happen.
Here you can find some useful information on how to set up your Magento shopping cart:
Can somebody here please help me out.
Magento ver.