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Your card payment has failed, please try again.Magento BrainTree Credit Card SOAP V2 API

Your card payment has failed, please try again.Magento BrainTree Credit Card SOAP V2 API

I am trying to post order on magento 1.9, using SOAP V2 API, I have 2 payment methods gene_braintree_creditcard and cashondelivery, using cashondevlivery I am able to post order successfully. But when I pass gene_braintree_creditcard it gives me error Your card payment has failed, please try again.

$paymentData =  array(
    'po_number' => null,
    'method' => 'gene_braintree_creditcard', 
    'cc_cid' => "000",
    'cc_owner' => "Test",
    'cc_number' => "4111111111111111",
    'cc_type' => "VI",
    'cc_exp_year' => "2023",
    'cc_exp_month' => "02"
    $response = $proxy->shoppingCartPaymentMethod($sessionId, $quoteId, $paymentData);
catch(Exception $e) { 
    echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();


Currently braintree is set to SANDBOX mode.


Re: Your card payment has failed, please try again.Magento BrainTree Credit Card SOAP V2 API

I encountered a similar issue with Magento 1.9 and the BrainTree API before. In my case, the problem was related to incorrect API keys or missing configurations for 3D Secure in the BrainTree account. You might want to check if all credentials and settings align with the integration guide. It’s always a good idea to test in a sandbox environment first. Speaking of reliable setups, some businesses I’ve seen manage seamless payment processes—Click Here for an example that might inspire ideas for troubleshooting.