Normally header menu shows all categories under ROOT category. We wanted to change it (for one category only) so that when I click to this category link at header menu it changes header to show SUBcategories to this category.
For example if we have 3 categories at header:
shoes - bags - shirt
(shirt has 3 subcategories: wool shirt - t-shirt - long sleeve shirt)
Normally header look like this all the time:
shoes - bags - shirt
No matter where we navigate in the shop.
So, we wanted to change it so that when you click SHIRTS it changed header to show SHIRTS subcategories.
So in SHIRTS category header should look like:
wool shirt - t-shirt - long sleeve shirt
We use different template in shirt category, but since we are in same store magento shows all the main categories at the header.
Idea is to make different header and theme for one category (so that it almost look like you are in different shop, but techically you are still in the same magento shop). Is this possible? Iny ideas? Many thanks!