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Multistore with different prices
I am new to magento and I am setting up a solution for a customer that holds simple but specific requisites:
All products should hold two prices. One price that is to be used in the main store and another one to be used in microsites made available to specific customers.
The idea is quite simple. This customer has a store, opened to general public. But they have also established deals with several companies that grants their employes access to specific stores that show most of the products visible in the main store, but with discount prices.
So the questions that I seek answer to are these:
. Is it possible to setup a substore, holding the same products that exist in the main one, but showing them with different prices?
. Is it possible to have a checkbox on the product creation form, which allows me to select that a product is not meant to be available in the microsites?
Thank you, in advance, for your insight,
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Re: Multistore with different prices
Thank you, Amasty, for your quick reply.
I've looked into the extension you suggested, but I'm afraid that although it is very interesting it might not solve my problem.
From what I could perceive the price selection would result of the type of user logged in. That is not my case. Chances are that the customers won't even log in to complete their purchase.
The price would depend on whether the acess is made to the main site (www.mystore.com) or to a partner site (partners.mystore.com). Anyone accesing the partner site will be given a discount (on the products selected to be there).
Again, thank you for your time,
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Re: Multistore with different prices
1) Is it possible to setup a substore, holding the same products that exist in the main one, but showing them with different prices?
>> Yes, By default magento provides this functionality. Follow some step to create new substore in magento website.
E.g. Wholesaler Website, Retailer Website you have two store website.
Step 1:- Goto your Magento website adminpanel System >> Manage Stores, here you can configure your multistore website in magento.
Step 2:- Select "Create Website" button and fillup in this filed.
Name: Wholesaler Website
Code: website
Sort Order: 0
Then, save configuration.
Step 3:- Select "Create Store" button and fillup in this filed.
Website: select you created website store.
Name: Wholesaler Website
Root Category: select Root Catalog.
Then, save configuration.
Step 4:- Select "Create Store View" button and fillup in this filed.
Store : select you created store.
Name : Wholesaler Store View
Code : website
Status : Select enabled
Then, save configuration.
Step 5:- Goto your magento root directory create Folder and folder name is (e.g. website).
Copy index.php and paste created folder. Then edit index.php (placed inside created folder) file, change some code and add new code in this file.
- Find "$compilerConfig" and remove this line into code " MAGENTO_ROOT . " and add ".." before /includes/config.php path.
Default code:
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/includes/config.php';
After changes made, your code would look like this:
$compilerConfig = '../includes/config.php';
- Find "$mageFilename" and remove in this line code " MAGENTO_ROOT . " and add ".." before /app/Mage.php path and remove this code "$maintenanceFile = 'maintenance.flag';"
Default Code:
$mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/app/Mage.php';
After changes made, your code would look like this:
$mageFilename = '../app/Mage.php';
- Below code would already be there at the end of file.
Default Code:
/* Store or website code */ $mageRunCode = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : ''; /* Run store or run website */ $mageRunType = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE'] : 'store';
Place the below code:
/* Store or website code */ $mageRunCode = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : 'website'; /* Run store or run website */ $mageRunType = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE'] : 'website';
and save index.php file.
Step 6:- Goto your admin panel System >> Configuration >> General >> Web change "Current Configuration Scope:"
Select your created store "Wholesaler Store View", then change Unsecure and Secure url.
Unsecure tab
"Base Link URL" filed replace your code "{{unsecure_base_url}}website/"
Secure tab
"Base Link URL" filed replace your code "{{secure_base_url}}website/"
after save configuration and please clear your website cache and indexing.
After you call your website URL on browser.
For E.g:
Store 1:- http://www.yourdomian.com/
Store 2:- http://www.yourdomian.com/website/
Step 7:- Add product and change your prices store wise.
Catalog >> Manage Products >> Add Product. Left side you show "Product Information" select "Prices" tab add your price and save your product configuration.
On the left side "Choose Store View:", select your created store "Wholesaler Store View" and goto "prices" tab & uncheck "Use Default Value “ price field then add your price and save configuration. Please clear your website cache and indexing.
Go to your frontend product show product prices.
2) Is it possible to have a checkbox on the product creation form, which allows me to select that a product is not meant to be available in the microsites?
>> Yes, after you create multistore in your website by default magento provide this functionality in add product.
Catalog >> Manage Products >> Add Product. On the Left side there is "Product Information" select "website" tab you get title named "Product In Websites".
It displays specific created products which are made for particular store by selecting the checkboxes.
Hope this helps you!
Eric Baily
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Re: Multistore with different prices
Hi JJ,
I have very good idea for you. I've just sent you a PM.
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Re: Multistore with different prices
Hi @iotretas,
Magento allows you to create Websites and Store Views. The first step is to understand the difference between those entities.
Normally you will use Store Views for different languages of the same store (the store is the Website), and Websites can be used, for example for your store for country 1 and another one for country 2.
The idea of different Websites per country is because the scope of configurations. I.e: prices can be managed globally or per website (not per store view). Also, you can have different payment or shipping methods per website (not per store view).
About your questions:
1) Is it possible to setup a substore, holding the same products that exist in the main one, but showing them with different prices?
Yes, of course. You can do that manually or, for example, you can use catalog rules to say that if a product (or set of prodcuts) apply for some condition, the price is... I don't know, 15% cheaper. This is an out-of-the-box feature of Magento.
2) Is it possible to have a checkbox on the product creation form, which allows me to select that a product is not meant to be available in the microsites?
If you use the websites approach, this feature will be automatic. Magento shows you a new tab to set on which websites the product will be available.
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Re: Multistore with different prices
thank you for this great step by step guide.
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