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Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

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Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen


On my Magento when I try to log in to the Connect Manager via the admin back end I get just a blank page. The page just locks; it's just a blank white screen.

Curiously, I have another Magento Installation on the same server which works just fine with the connect manager.

I have tried:

  • Copying the downloader folder from to but to no avail.

I have also checked :

  • File permissions, 
  • var folder. etc.  They seem to be fine.
  • Checked other similar posts on this forum too.

But nothing seems to work.

This issue seems to be peculiar to because even when I attempt a fresh clean install, the problem persists.


I need the Connect Manager to install extensions the Magento recommended way  and uninstall them cleanly (painlessly) if things don't work out as expected.


Hope someone can shed some light.








Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Hi @ApsG,

Enable error reporting once in index.php


Remove connect.cfg from installed_directory/downloader

Remove cache and try once.

I hope it will help you!

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Vimal Parihar,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I tried as advised :

- Removed connect.cfg from installed_directory/downloader
- Removed cache (externally)

But now my admin login page from the backend disappeared. It is trying to
connect to my fresh installation that I spoke about earlier (I
guess Magento's famous fallback mechanism at play) and then giving error

How do I get back the log in page ?

Thanks once again


Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Did you enabled error_reporting from index.php?

Also make sure that you have .htaccass and index.php file under downloader folder.

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

You can also reset permission using following command.

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find ./var -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;
find ./media -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;
chmod 777 ./app/etc
chmod 644 ./app/etc/*.xml

You can use sudo if you have sudo user.

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Did exactly as advised.

Admin panel comes back partially but with 3 fields ! No CSS

On entering the log in credentials it again goes hunting to the last
installed test store url.

Unable to admin log in.

Ah ! the vageries of magento cache !!!

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Verify database configurations once in app/etc/local.xml

And web_url in "core_config_data" once.

Are you using multi website setup?

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Hi Vimal,

Finally backend admin panel is kinda restored. Phew !

Unfortunately, in my quest to minimize downtime, the fresh new
installation was done using the old database credentials.
The original old installation is a mutistore but not a mutiwebsite.

To restore the admin panel

* I deleted the new store secure / unsecure paths from core_config_data
* Deleted var/cache in original installation via ssh
* Deleted var/cache in new installation via ssh
* cross checked app/etc local .xml - found correct

In the database, core_config_table, besides the secure / unsecure paths,
there must be some other entries / records too which need too be deleted.

Any idea ?

Once this is completely fixed back to to the connect manager issue.

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Admin Panel issue seems resolved. Thanks for all the help !

Getting Back to Connect Manager issue

- Error code added to index.php in downloader folder but nothing just
blank screen.

- connect.cfg disabled

Following is the error code added at the very top to index.php :

# error reporting code starts here
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Re: Connect Manager Issue - Blank screen

Great... Good to know.

I think you had tried same earlier as I mentioned in previous post, what was wrong that time. Strange.