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Category and Product URLs

Category and Product URLs


Regarding the structure of URLs in Magento 2 can someone give some suggestions about the examples below. Is it better to add text on URLs that groups them in types.

For example (the words can be even short version products=prod; category=cat)

I noticed on different Magento e-commerce stores that they have the first version.

Is this a change on Magento structure or is it something that can easily be done?

Product Page

Category Page

Blog Post




Re: Category and Product URLs

Hello @indritvesh21b9 


There is no default feature available for this. you need to do customization for the URL re-right.


If you get the solution then please, "Kudos" and "Accept as Solution" for Token of Appreciation

Re: Category and Product URLs

Hi Deep_popat,


Thank you for your reply.

My question is even for the best practice. Does it affect the SEO quality if we do this group in the URL?

If we have an effect is it positive or negative for the website?

Re: Category and Product URLs

Hello @indritvesh21b9 


The SEO team will give you a more clear answer. But as per my knowledge if the site is running life then it will definitely give a negative effect when we do any change in the URL structure.


If answer is help fulle then please, "Kudos" and "Accept as Solution" for Token of Appreciation

Re: Category and Product URLs

We are implementing the site and it is not live currently. Its a decision that we need to make for the new website with Magento 

Re: Category and Product URLs

Hello @indritvesh21b9 


In this situation, it will not give any negative effect on the SEO.