Re: Onepage checkout - Magento Forums
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Onepage checkout

Onepage checkout

For earlier Magento 2.x versions, I used to use the extension from amasty for a one-step checkout. Now I wanted to try Magento's own "Onepage Checkout" as an alternative in version 2.4.3-p3. However, instead of one step, the checkout is divided into two steps :

  1. address and delivery
  2. payment method

Is this normal or is something wrong with my configuration? With a "onepage checkout" I would have expected only one step.


Re: Onepage checkout

Hi @kempermusic ,


You need to use third party extension for one step checkout.

By default magento flow divided into 2 sections (steps) as you mentioned.

It's actually one page checkout and you can see url is same for both sections.

If you want everything in same flow like amasty's one step checkout then you need to integrate third party extension.


Problem Solved? Accept as Solution!


Hope it helps!


Ankit Jasani

Re: Onepage checkout

Thanks for your answers!
@Ankit Jasani, then I have at least the certainty that this is not due to a faulty configuration. I still wonder what the point would be to split a one-page checkout over two steps?

Re: Onepage checkout

I think the reason is for user experience optimization. By splitting it into two logical steps, Magento aims to reduce visual clutter and prevent customers from feeling overwhelmed with too many fields at once.
If you're looking for an experience closer to a true one-step checkout, consider the BSS One Step Checkout extension. It provides a seamless, fully condensed layout, helping customers quickly complete their purchases without switching between steps.

Re: Onepage checkout

Hello @kempermusic ,

For compatibility with all payment methods and remove the unnecessary fields; enhance the user experience. To get all the required information on single page of checkout choose Bootsgrid Magento2 One Step Checkout

Best regards