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Order Completed Email

Order Completed Email



I'm going through the email templates, and there doesn't seem to be an existing one for order completed? Or is it and I'm just not seeing it. Smiley Surprised 


Hope someone can point me to the right direction. Thank you!


Re: Order Completed Email

Hi @karolretaid8eb 


Kindly follow below steps to set order success email:

1. On the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configuration.
2. On the left panel, under Sales tab, click on Sales Emails subtab.
3. Open the Order section:
  (a)Set Yes to enable the Sales Emails.
  (b)Choose the store contact of the email in the New Order Confirmation Email field.
  (c)Choose the desire email template that is sent to registered customers in the New Order Confirmation Template field.
  (d)Choose the email template in the New Order Confirmation Template for Guests that is sent to those who dont create an account on your store.
  (e)To send the sales emails to many people at the same time, enter the email addresses in the Send Order Email Copy To field, and each is separated by comma.
  (f)Choose one of the sending email methods in the Send Order Email Copy Method:
     -BCC: Send a blind courtesy copy by including other recipient(s) in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC    recipient is not visible to the customer and he/she doesnt know that a copy is sent to many addresses.
     -Separate Email: Send a copy email as a separate email.
4. Open the Order Comments, Invoice, Shipment, and Credit Memo section, then complete it similarly to Order.
5. Save Config to finish the Sales Email configuration.

It may help you!
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Re: Order Completed Email

Hi  @karolretaid8eb ,


if on order place you are not getting order confirmation email. For this issue follow the instructions mentioned by @Bhanu Periwal.


but if you are checking email templates in admin and not able to find order confirmation email over there in grid. 
for this , Magento gives some default templates and which are assigned by default in admin. 

if you want to edit something in order confirmation email template , add new email template and load order confirmation email template and do the changes according to your need. Don’t forget to assign new email template in admin settings .


Hope this helps you!

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Re: Order Completed Email

thanks for all the replies! 


As a workaround, we just decided to edit the "invoice" email. Thank you!