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Problem with most viewed products

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Problem with most viewed products

Hello everybody,


for some reason my magento (2.3) doens't show any viewed products.


Is there something i need to turn on for my magento site? So i can see the most viewed products?


everything else works fine.


Thx for your help.


Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hello @andyavcons30c7 ,


There is an Admin setting that will show the Recently Viewed Products for Not Logged in Customers.


Go to Admin => Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Recently Viewed/Compared Products select Yes to ( Synchronize widget products with backend storage )


Clear cache and check.


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Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @andyavcons30c7 


If you wanted to showcase recently viewed products widget - then follows the instructions/step given by @Hiren_K_Patel  - it will allow you to showcase the same.


If you are talking about most viewed products by customer and you wanted to showcase that then you will require to do customization, you will actually need to use the collection of Most viewed products. following i am sharing the link for the same. Refer the link and do adjustments based on your need. 


It will resolve your issue.


Hope it helps !

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Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @Hiren_K_Patel  i tried this, but didn't work Smiley Sad

Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hello @Manthan Dave 


i'm talking abouth the most viewed products in my admin dashboard.. at this moment it's showing this : We couldn't find any records. and i don't know how to solve this Smiley Sad



Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @andyavcons30c7 


So are you checking from the reports section ? From the Admin panel -> Reports -> Products -> Views/Bestseller 


Could you please confirm this ?

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Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @Manthan Dave  


i'm look for it in the dashboard (can you see the image?)




Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @andyavcons30c7 


Ok i understand your problem and solution is you need to refresh the statistics.


From your Magento admin panel go to the Reports -> Statistics -> Refresh Statistics -> Select all -> Select option called "Refresh Statistics for the last day" and click on submit


Same way select option called "Refresh Lifetime Statistics" -> and click on submit button


Now clear the cache and check your dashboard it will showcase values under each tab - Most viewed products as well.


Sharing the link for your reference - 


Hope it helps !

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Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @Manthan Dave ,


thx for the advice, but i already tried this .. and still i get nothing Smiley Sad


realy strange..



Re: Problem with most viewed products

Hi @andyavcons30c7 


Is there any extension or plugin you have added which conflicts with this functionality ?


Also after refreshing the statistics from the frontend user start viewed different and same products and after sometime it will showcase values over here.


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