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Configurable Product Cannot Add/Edit Configurations!

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Configurable Product Cannot Add/Edit Configurations!

Feature request from mageman, posted on GitHub Jan 13, 2016

After creating a configurable product with 1 generated associated product, saving to a new attribute set, then re-open the configured product. and click on edit configuration:

There are options to add an attribute whose type is not a dropdown, i.e. yes/no or text field, but after submitting these changes, the values do not appear in the new configuration!

Furthermore, the new attribute is not being added to the attribute set!

It seems wrong that non-dropdown attributes cannot be added. Why is it not possible to add these types?

I am recommending the following:

Despite the fact that the magento manual states that only dropdown types are supported, I am requesting support for attribute types other than dropdown, rather than the removal of options that are not supported. This would make working in the admin pages a-lot easier. For example, I could have a numerical or boolean attribute that I can generate associated products for. I was hoping to have the same user experience here in many ways similar to M 1.9.

New Member
Status changed to: Investigating
New Member

Comment from Krapulat, posted on GitHub Mar 15, 2016

I'm also interested in this feature.

For example if you have the attribute "size" set to "Text Swatch" you can't add new attribute values when adding/editing configurations of a product.

New Member

Comment from antboiko, posted on GitHub Apr 29, 2016

Hi @mageman, thanks for your inquiry. I've created internal ticket MAGETWO-51965 to cover this improvement and placed it into our backlog.

Best, Anton.

Frequent Visitor

Has anything happened with this? I'm wanting to edit a previous global configurable product configuration and see no way to edit one that already exists.