According to the three test results below, if I set up the “Product to Match” rule using the country(Spain or Italy) store view, not all store view, each buy page cannot show corroding the specific related product.
Same Product(some-product-001) information :
• All store view (default store view) : ABC
Backend url :
• Spain store view : 111 Buy page :
• Italy store view : 222 Buy page :
My test result : (Every test scenario has to clear the cache and wait for the reindex)
Test scenario 1 :
1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains 111 (Spain store view)
2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name
roduct Product Name contains Constant Value fone15
3. Check the Spain buy page, it didn’t show any related product on the related product section
Test scenario 2 :
1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains 222 (Italy store view)
2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name
roduct Product Name contains Constant Value book15
3. Check the Italy buy page, it didn’t show any related product on the related product section
Test scenario 3 :
1. Setup the “Product to Match” rule’s name : Product Name contains ABC (All store view)
2. Setup the “Product to Display” rule’s name
roduct Product Name contains Constant Value fone15
3. Check the Spain and Italy buy page, it will show each fone15 products on the correct buy page
Our expectations are:
• Spain buy page show the fone15 related products
• Italy buy page show the book15 related products
If the Product name is only able to read productName from the All store view only, but when I test in the “Product to Display” rule using all store view product name as productName, the frontend buy page can’t show the related product. If I setup the “Product to Display” rule using the Italy store view product name as productName, the frontend but page will show the related product.
All store view 12-22 10-46-56-005
Italy store view 2022-12-22 10-56-25-464
In my observation, “Product to Match” needs to use the All store view product name, and “Product to Display” need to use the country(Italy) store view product name.
If the related product is designed as a global function, why productName in the “Product to Display” rule and “Product to Match” is read different values (all store view/country store view)?
Due to our test result, the “Product to Display” rule needs to use the country store view product name as productName, so we expect the “Product to Match” rule also use the country store view product name.
My test result is that “Product to Match” needs to use the All store view product name, and “Product to Display” need to use the country(Italy) store view product name.
If related product functions need to use all store view product name only, why is the logic of “Product to Display” and “Product to Match” different? Not all use all store view product name.
I was wondering if there is something wrong with this part or if this is the original design?