Showing ideas with label checkout.
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Hi, My idea is within the checkout allow for a place for tax exempt customers to enter their tax exempt number. This could be tied to a customer group that doesn’t charge tax so either the customer wouldn’t get charged tax instantaneously or after verification (this would be up to the admin). This would be a great feature for the B2B area of Magento.
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admin panel
Create 3 Terms and Conditions for checkout process. By default Magento is listing the terms one after other based on their ID's. As it is now the only way to re-position the terms is editing the database. Please allow this modification in Backend.
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One of the biggest complaints we get from customers is the generic error message "An error occurred on the server. Please try again", that displays in the checkout when their credit card cannot be accepted. Usually there's an issue where the billing and shipping address or zip code doesn't match, so the card is not accepted. The problem is the error message states there is "an error on the server" which leads them to believe there is something wrong with the website-when that is not the case, there is something wrong with what they've inputted. Another type of generic message like "We could not place this order, please call (store's phone number) to complete" would work infinitely better. Even better, would be a way to customize your own error message in the checkout right in the admin panel. Overall I think this simple change would help the customer understand that the order could not be processed, but there isn't a problem with the website or server.
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admin panel
It would be very helpful if customers had the ability to write order comments when they go through the checkout process on the front end.
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UPG / Secure Hosting payments gateway integration
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Magento 2 2-step checkout is very limiting for stores who want/need to add content. For example, we have many shipping methods and upgrade options to choose from that require explanation. The Magento 2 platform simplifies the checkout so much that my Address/Shipping Methods page will be very long and complicated. It would be much more accommodating for both store owners and end-users if Addresses, Shipping Methods and Payment info were separated into 3 different pages (and with the ability to add content header and footers) to allow for directions, time tables and shipping advice. Customers need information to decide whether or not they will place their order - for example and most importantly - to know when they will get their order.
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Right now Shipping Address and Shipping Methods are in the same JavaScript uiComponent. This is fine for the most part, unless you want to add additional sections between them. This would be as easy as adding a new region foreach between the shipping address and shipping method sections of checkout\shipping.html
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I have an suggestion to include some simple sample modules (no documentation, but actual modules) that uses KnockoutJs to "Magento 2 sample module" package.
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Hi everyone,
In most of the pages in Magento, we can find the "State/Province" before the "Country" field. Since the "State/Province" depends on the country, that is confusing since the customer has go to next field and select the country, and then go back to the previous field and select the state/province.
This is not correct in the most important page in the storefront, the onepage checkout:
And you can also see the wrong order in some pages of the admin panel:
In other pages, like the shopping cart page, the order is correct:
It would be better if the country can be selected first, then the state/province and finally the ZIP/Postal Code (just like the shopping cart page).
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admin panel
Hi Guys, I would like to request a new improvement for the checkout. Currently users could have trouble finding out about invalid fields which disappear above the screen fold. Scenario: User fills out his address information Scrolls down below to submit the form and go to the next step. Hey! The button is not working. Weird... When the invalid fields are not visible because they are above the fold, the end user is not notified of the problems with his information. In some cases the user may be smart enough to scroll up and see if there are invalid fields, but you may understand that not every user is thinking about doing that. Possible solution Automatically scroll to the first invalid field on the page Notification message below the submit form to inform the user that he has to fill out his invalid forms. I am curious about what you guys think of this user experience issue. Cheers, Clarke
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Based on those links,, Magento 2 maybe should be using the method from Mikkel Bo Schmidt article to chose country and state instead of dropdown list like it uses now? If Magento choses to use it (To me it seems Magento 2 tries to get as far from dropdown as possible) then a way how module developers can also use it should be well documented not like drop-down list creation now. Examples: Magento 2 module Royal Mail Shipping where the list of radio buttons is quite big for customer to look through would need that. Also Estonian post offices dropdown menus added to shipping method that are in more difficulty to create in Magento 2 (Maybe that is the reason why Estonia does not have any commercial shops that uses Magento 2.x) then they were in magento 1.x pages, but they are necessary because no one would scan through such amount of radio buttons. The way described in those posts can solved both problems (city and state drop-down and shipping methods). As it is well known most of the orders that are made in ecommerce websites comes from mobile devices and as mentioned articles referred dropdown lists are not user friendly. Hopefully shipping-methods block extension would get finally documentation for long list of items. CAN ANYONE SEE A REASON WHY MAGENTO SHOULD NOT USE SOLUTION FROM THOSE ARTICLES?! ESTONIAN SHIPPING-METHOD EXAMPLE:
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In Magento 2 checkout page when customer chooses country the page makes an ajax call and refreshes shipping-methods section. Unfortunately I have not found any tutorials how to duplicate what is happening. I suggest Magento 2 should make a tutorial how it is done so developers can duplicate that process. - add custom filters to shipping-methods or payment. I have asked about that in but like normally the checkout page seems to be the most mysterious part of the Magento 2 (no replies).
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My questions are how to add dropdown to the shipping method section and if specific method has been selected (the one that developers have been thought about) make address field required to be filled? I have added image about what i am asking to the post. History: In magento 1.X the developers just edited the phtml file that displayed the shipping method (can be found, when searched) but in magento 2.x uses html files where php can't be used. Example: some countries uses post-offices where customers can get their orders. So the shop owners need possibility to add dropdown of post offices to the website. Also when they can select to pick up in post office or shop then why they need to add their address making the address field dependable with selected shipping method. I have tired to solve it myself but I do not like none of the solutions that i have came up with: adding the selection field with jQuery (somehow adding it to the order) below shipping method its content depends on shipping method that is selected (main disadvantages are that it might decrease the speed and user has to scroll down to add post office) or writing completely new shipping module that contains this possibility (Magento updates might have added dependency or changed the overwritten files that might brake the website or make module unresponsive - writing new module means writing over many default files rising risks and making the default shipping method useless (main functionality in this kind cms)). I have tried to ask help Magento Community Forums (programming section) and Magento Stack Exchange - no response! Both of these websites contains a lot of questions about checkout page that are without no replies including many almost duplicate questions about the problem i am facing . Are they without answer because developers lack such knowledge or something else that is unclear. The main issue is, that I find those functionalities described elementary in such cms and can not understand why they are not added. Why developers have not thought about that user group - Magento is used all over the globe and so should be the features that can be added without changing too much the original code? The modules (extendability) not included to Magento should be dealing with only special requirements like slider or adding blocks (that has been well documented) or third party connection (Facebook, POS... ) ... But not functionalities like those where there is atleast entire country in need such features! Difficulty adding such features (that most developers can not manage (posts i have found in web while researching [example1])) is not allowing the shop owners to began using Magento 2.
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In the Netherlands you write a VAT number like this: NLxxxxxxxxxB01. Magento only allows a VAT code without the country code.
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