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Is there a way to change the customer name order (as in Lastname Firstname) globally in forms and display as well? It's ok, that the user registration form can be changed easily, but I could not yet find out how to do it on the checkout page, for example. If you don't get the reason: I'm in Hungary, where we use this "reversed name order", like the Japanese.
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We sell grills and smokers. When someone places an order they will often add covers and other products. Occasionally we run into an issue where the order go on credit check, one of the items goes out of stock and the order fails to go into Magento. Which means we have to create an order for these lost souls manually. The happens more than I'd like in the holiday season where things go in and out of stock constantly. Here's the thing. If I am out of covers for your smoker it doesn't really matter at the time of order. Often there is a delay of a couple weeks while we cut, weld and paint your smoker. I may have the covers stock deplete and restore 2-3 times. It'd be great if having that grill in your cart caused everything else to ignore their inventory level. Yes we know a product can individually have it's inventory ignored, but I want a product to make other products inventory ignored. Right now it's just before Thanksgiving. If I order a really big grill with a custom paint job it may not ship until January. My inventory level of anything else in the cart is completely irrelevant.
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Hi there, We recently came across with an issue where Magento intentionally disabled discount for Gift Card Type Products. It was there in Magento 1 and I totally understand that discount on gift card products may be leads to any fraud since Gift Card is similar to Cash value. But I noticed that in the code it is checking if it's Gift Card Type product then no cart rule apply. This check needs to be done at Admin Configuration, so if merchant want to enable/disable then should able to change that easily without any code change. User Case: We have Physical/Virtual Gift Cards Setup. We created a Cart rule where we can give 10% discount for above products. While looking into code at following file we noticed that it is invalidating gift card type products that's why we are not able to give any discount. File: vendor/magento/module-gift-card/Model/Validator/Discount.php Code: public function isValid($item) { if (Giftcard::TYPE_GIFTCARD == $item->getProductType()) { return false; } return true; } As mentioned above, it would be great if you include this feature in Admin Config. Thanks, Devendra Gajera Corra Inc
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The "My Orders" view on accounts simply gives a list of orders sorted chronologically with the ability to set the number of records displayed per page. It would be ideal to give a search function for the user to be able to search/filter for orders by a number of parameters including - Order Number - Order Date (Including Date Range) - Product - Status The only articles / extensions that i have ever found have been giving the administrator the ability to search for this. However for customers who are placing larger volumes of orders via a portal this could/would be a very useful piece of functionality
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Hello everyone, Does anyone know how to change 'Add To Cart' button text and relink the button? Sometimes I need to direct customer from my store to another place in the net. I followed these 2 guides: But they're the guide for Magento 1.9. The curent version is Magento 2.2.6 and the code is different, I can change the button text, but can not relink it. I created an atrribute 'get_link' to get the external URL from user's input, but it did not work. This is my code for the file 'addtocart.phtml' within current theme: Or, does anyone know where I can find information for this problem? Hope you will take a look. Thank a lot!!
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With wish-list sharing in mind, I'd like to see requisition lists shared in a similar way.
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As per current mechanism , If new version release then we must need to put live store into maintenance mode or need to do it into staging and need to upgrade version first and then test whole site and if any issue occurred with current code then need to fix it and after all of stuff doing we able to move latest code into live site. It all taking minimum 1 hrs if user's have very high speed server to complete this process. If magento have auto update version feature like auto update browser version then it will more safely way to choose magento than other framework.
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As per current mechanism , If new version release then we must need to put live store into maintenance mode or need to do it into staging and need to upgrade version first and then test whole site and if any issue occurred with current code then need to fix it and after all of stuff doing we able to move latest code into live site. It all taking minimum 1 hrs if user's have very high speed server to complete this process. If magento have auto update version feature like auto update browser version then it will more safely way to choose magento than other framework.
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To increase the qty of magento merchants, it is strongly recommended to establish the affiliate network from Magento. That would increase the e commerce site's sales. There is already this network from the shopify which attract many merchants.
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Hi, What I'm missing is an option in my account, my purchases to remove an extension from my list. Sometimes you add a extension and decide it's not working or not what you wanted. Now all the extensions stay in your marketplace, my purchases and through that end up in my magento backend webwizard. Would be nice to have this option.
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We need to be able to see what customers purchased what products. Currently there is no way to see that. Would be ideal to be able to show the customer, the order and the products in that order.
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please add the checkbox on customer register page of " I have read and agreed to terms of use and privacy policy" since the customer privacy is so important and paid attention to by many countries.
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Sometimes in custom development we need to implement a Pool ( In Magento there is the \Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\TMap class, which is a generic Pool. The idea is to use it as a VirtualType, or even in a composition of a Pool (as it's done for many Pools in Magento 2 core). Is there any reason to make it as internal? What's the recommended way to achieve a pool with the Magento 2 stack?
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when one changes the base-currency, the prices of products remain with the digits of the previous currency. So someone has to export fix prices, and import again. This should be auto, i.e. the price-digits should change to the new currency.
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Hi, I am thinking in add the feature to use telephone number instead of email on Magento 2. Mobile phones are everywhere and and in some countries people are using more their numbers to associate in some services instead of an email address. My idea is offer both type of authentication on Magento 2 (email or sms) and also send the transactional emails using SMS messages to these customers. The admin user can customize the sms templates like it happens on transactional emails. To send the messages we can offer a ready integration with a 3rd party service like Twilio or MessageMedia. I was working on that in a custom extension, it's working good but my idea is incorporate that on Magento core. Thanks.
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Hi When we export the products, it lists all the products. There are more than 20 k products on our store. How to export the products as the specific category?
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admin panel
Submitted on
07:38 PM
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07:38 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense, more consistent and be more extendable if the get operation returns null? As it is now, I need to handle the exception thrown by the system or run my own check first to check if the attribute that I'm looking for isn't there. By comparison, the getList operation returns an empty if Magento can't find what I'm looking for. Wouldn't it be better to return null or empty... something, so user can choose how they want to deal with this situation. Throwing exception basically just tells the user that the system think what they are doing is an error/wrong, when it's really subjective. There's lots of situation where looking for something that isn't there is not wrong, just let the user handles the situation themselves.
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When exporting the products, could we choose which categories to be exported?
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Where can we get a complete list of Magento 2.1 Community reported bugs? Having just installed M2 Community, every time we run into an issue we are told by our developers "that is a Magento bug". We would like to know what is a legitimate bug, if Magento is working on it, when it might be fixed or if we need to fix it ourselves. We love the product but are often frustrated when we cannot get straight answers. Please advise.
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admin panel
Magento 2 Should have basic features like sending out of stock & Low stock products email to admin.
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admin panel