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Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from steig, posted on GitHub Aug 18, 2015
Customer group codes are limited to 32 chars and if there is a valid reason to keep them at 32 that makes sense, but I really can't find a reason right now as to why. If they can be increased, would 64 be enough?
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Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Aug 31, 2015
There are two "One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated" messages that appear when a cache clear is needed.
I don't see the purpose of the modal prompting, and then when closing the modal, still seeing the alert at the top of the screen.
The modal is redundant. I believe this should be removed, and stick with the "M1" way of the prompts by just displaying the message at the top of the screen. It's plenty apparent the cache needs to be cleared. Having to close the modal every time is also very cumbersome and annoying...
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Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Sep 07, 2015
There is a flag on the ./bin/magento module:enable command: --clear-static-content
Unfortunately, this only appears to be on the module-enable option. If static assets are desired to be cleared at any other time, this isn't an option.
I believe there should be a new command under ./bin/magento that just clears this static content, something like:
./bin/magento cache:clear-static-content
I'm not sure if static assets are considered a cached asset, so this may need some revision.
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Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Sep 10, 2015
Clicking on the dropdown box next to a content page shows:
However, the Preview option is either named bad, or has non-existent functionality.
To properly "preview" a page, there needs to be the ability to make edits to a page, save it, and publish it at a later date, so you can "preview" the page before it is published. However, you really aren't previewing anything here, as that link just shows you the page as it is already published on the frontend site.
I believe there should either be full preview functionality added (ability to make edits, "preview" changes (before they are made viewable to the public), and then be able to publish the desired updates. It's possible this could be done on the content edit page without revision tracking, however if this is the case, the "preview" option should be removed from the content grid view, because it's not appropriate here.
I don't think the option to view the page on the frontend website is bad, but if this is kept in, it should be renamed "View", and also open in a new window so it doesn't kick you out of the admin.
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Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from SasiKiranK, posted on GitHub Sep 26, 2015
So far i have created the new layout called new layout inside my page_layout folder and
copied the content of empty layout.
and the head content coming from the root.phtml. which i am unable to overwrite.
In mangento 1, i have done same using the new layout file.phtml i have removed <?php echo
$this->getChildHtml('head') ?>
This allows me to remove the head section.
Since magento can able to create any web app. i need to create a bank page using new
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from amenk, posted on GitHub Sep 29, 2015
When installing a new theme, I would add it to
(according to
But this file is in the standard git ignore and would be overwritten when doing a composer update (if Magento is installed via composer)
How can we fix this?
Maybe an additional file custom_themes.js which is included if it exists?
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Oct 08, 2015
What is the sense to show the customer name twice?
The first block is welcome message. The second block is the customer menu.
Please note that the welcome message for authenticated customers can not be changed or disabled in admin panel.
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from Lewiscowles1986, posted on GitHub Oct 13, 2015
It's fantastic that you can take backups in Magento 2 for the three different areas, I have some suggestions I believe would make this more professional solution
Ability to backup automatically to a schedule (not just when installing plug-ins)
Default to exclude media from system backups
Default to put system into maintenance mode during backup
Ability to launch all three backups with formatting string
"%Y-%m-%d %H%i backup db"
"%Y-%m-%d %H%i backup sys"
"%Y-%m-%d %H%i backup uploads"
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from rtull, posted on GitHub Apr 04, 2016
In the "rules" interfaces in the admin panel (see Customer Segments or Promotions) selected objects show their ID, not a friendly name. This makes it very difficult in the admin to assess what values have been selected in a rules section because the IDs shown are not comprehend-able. Without loading the full selection list / grid interface, an admin user has no idea which specific items they have selected.
For example, selecting a particular category as a filter criteria show the category ID, not the category name. An admin user would have no idea which category this is without loading the category selector - which both time-consuming and non-obvious.
Recommend displaying admin text values instead of IDs to improve human administrator comprehension and admin speed of use.
Example Screenshot:
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from joshdifabio, posted on GitHub Apr 11, 2016
Products can be uniquely identified by their SKUs, which have meaning to a business, but for categories there is no such business attribute in Magento; categories can only be identified by their integer ID, which has no business meaning. In Magento 1, this poses issues when attempting to integrate Magento categories with other platforms, for example Akeneo, because there is no way of relating the Magento category with the category in the other platform.
From what I can see, this is still the case in Magento 2.
So, I guess my question is this: Given a third party system which maintains category data in a format something like [code, name, parent_code, ...] , how can we use the Magento 2 API to create and later update and delete categories using the provided code as a unique identifier?
If this isn't possible, then I think it needs to be. Most medium to large retailers have business identifiers for customers, categories, orders and many other things, not just products.
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from zolthan, posted on GitHub Apr 14, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Create a grouped product and assign it to a category
Create a Simple Product
Add some tier prices to the Simple Product
Assign the Simple Product to the Grouped Product
Go to the category in the frontend
Expected result
The displayed price of the grouped product should be the minimal possible price. ie. the minimal tier price.
Actual result
The displayed price is the minmal normal price of the assigned simple products. The tier prices are not evaluated.
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Submitted on
12:58 PM
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12:58 PM
Feature request from adragus-inviqa, posted on GitHub Apr 18, 2016
That's a one liner copied from a response source and pretty-printed into 45587 lines. :trollface:
I hope you agree that those countries desperately need a single global object.
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Submitted on
12:54 PM
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12:54 PM
Feature request from devhn, posted on GitHub Jun 14, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.0.7 from community branch.
Open any product page and copy it's URL to Google Structured Data testing tool
Expected result
Price property should be recognized.
Actual result
Price property is not valid (the property XXX € is not a valid price specification).
Screenshoot for reference
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Submitted on
12:54 PM
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12:54 PM
Feature request from gabrielqs, posted on GitHub Jun 20, 2016
Right now, when you enable/disable a module Magento's CLI clears the cache. That's helpful but there is still a lot to be done for a module to be really enabled while in production mode, ensuring the store is in an consistent state after it finishes. For instance, these are all the steps i take when doing enabling or disabling a module in production:
Activate maintenance mode
Enable/disable module (clears cache automatically and static content if we use the --clear-static-content parameter)
Upgrade db resources
Clear generated code (/var/generation AND /var/di)
Compile code
Static content deploy
Disable maintenance mode
IMHO it would be more difficult to break things in production mode if the enable/disable process took care of all those steps. It is inconsistent, even dangerous, that it only clears the cache at this point.
I know it is possible to make things easier by creating a shell script that calls all of the necessary commands, but why not to make it automatic? The process will be the same for the biggest majority of the Magento user base after all.
My suggestion: Create a flag on the system configuration allowing admins to enable the automation of modules enabling/disabling process when in production mode. When enabled, instead of simply clearing the cache, the module:enable and module:disable commands would take all necessary measures to ensure the store is on a consistent state after it finishes. The whole process when automation is enabled would be similar to what i have described above. This flag would be true by default. If in any specific case an user needs a different deploy process, the flag can be set to false and then a custom process can be applied.
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Submitted on
12:38 PM
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12:38 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub Apr 04, 2013
Add canonical tag als to CMS and BLOG pages (actually all pages)
Duplicate content is not very good for seo. Would be good if Magento could actually ALWAYS on every page check for the base url and use the canonical tag.
We can already set the canonical tag for products and categories, but not yet for other pages. Now we see duplicate content for these pages
How about we add this to core? Magento 1.8 and/or2.0
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Submitted on
12:38 PM
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12:38 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub Jun 17, 2013
Fix default Magento font in order PDF (and filesize of 1MB +)
Please have a look at the code alterations here:
How about we provide a font dropdown in backend to select our own font. And default this to Helvetica?
Now users can choose. (and actually choose for small PDF files)
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from simonspoerri, posted on GitHub Nov 21, 2013
Currently The indexing of Attribute Values used for the product filters in the category overview only index multiselect attributes that use attribute options. If a custom source model is specified the values are not indexed and thus are not taken into account when filtering products.
To fix the issue in my case I created an interface which all Source Models that should be taken into account while indexing should implement. For Attributes implementing this interface not only attribute options from the DB are indexed but also all options provided by the source model.
the class in question is Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Indexer_Eav_Source . I've overridden the _prepareMultiselectIndex Method and added the following snippet after the attribute options are loaded from 'eav/attribute_option'
foreach($attrIds as $attributeId) {
$attributeModel = Mage::getModel(Mage_Eav_Model_Entity::DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_MODEL)->load($attributeId);
if($attributeModel->getSource() instanceof MyNS_MyModule_Model_Product_Attribute_Source_Interface) {
$sourceModelOptions = $attributeModel->getSource()->getAllOptions();
foreach($sourceModelOptions as $o) {
$options[$attributeId][$o["value"]] = true;
Maybe I'm misusing some principles here but I really think custom source model based multiselect attributes should be filterable as well, thus they need to be indexed...
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Dec 07, 2013
For now we using ExtJS version 1.1 Beta 1 (
Why we use really old lib? For now latest ExtJS version - 4.2.1!
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from ihor-sviziev, posted on GitHub Dec 09, 2013
As example for now we should make reindex Products flat for all websites. When we have many products(10000+) and we copied added all products to new website, reindex process is really very slow. Should be great have ability reindex flat data for specific store/website.
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Submitted on
12:37 PM
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12:37 PM
Feature request from tanya-soroka, posted on GitHub Jan 17, 2014
Multi-node inventory
Multi-node inventory functionality will introduce support for multiple warehouses, management of product stock per website and warehouse, order processing through drop shippers and vendors. It will allow set up of multiple shipping origins, flexible shipping configurations, and automatic vendor notifications.
Functional Requirements
Ability to enable/disable shipping from multiple addresses (either you’re your business address or from 3rd party warehouses and suppliers)
Ability to specify the addresses of these warehouses/suppliers
Ability to assign products to different warehouses/suppliers
Ability to manage stocks in different warehouses
Ability to specify preferences for picking up products from warehouses
Ability to automatically define nearest warehouse to customer's destination
Ability to notify warehouse/supplier upon order and/or invoice creation
Ability to create/update email templates to be sent to warehouses/suppliers
Ability to see products assigned to selected warehouse
Ability to see shipments from selected warehouse
Inventory per Website
Provides ability to:
Set up a QTY attributes per website
Specify different inventory levels for each website
Track inventory level for each website
Track low stock for each website
Get a total QTY of the product
This feature entails the following changes:
General settings of inventory Scope should be available under Configuration > Catalog > Inventory Section
Additional rows on Product QTY of Product Grid (for products which are using inventory option)
Updates of Low Stock report
Warehouse Settings
It should be possible to enable and set up Multi-node inventory functionality. As a merchant, I want to have the following options:
Enable/Disable service
Show warehouse information on product page, shopping cart, checkout process, order/invoice/shipment/refund
Select any enabled Shipping service/method per warehouse
Manage Warehouses
The Manage Warehouses tab should appear under System > Store set upon a primary menu. It should contain the following action:
Create / Edit / Delete a new Warehouse.
Filter and search data of Warehouse list.
Provide general information about a warehouse: title and address.
Mass action, such as delete and update.
Admin user should have ability to specify the following warehouse data:
Warehouse contact information and Address
List of assigned Products
Shipping methods data
Sales data (Shipment, Orders, etc.)
Managing Inventory per Product
Alternatively, admin user should be able to specify warehouse/supplier data on the Product Information page and manage inventory per each warehouse individually.
The QTY field of the Inventory section (i.e. general quantity of a product) should display the sum of the numbers entered to the QTY fields per warehouses. It be set for read-only purposes.
Shipping / Delivery Configuration
Store owner should be able to select a shipping method from existing list of vendors (USPS, USP, DHL, FedEx, etc.). Additionally, one can set up a custom shipping method (Drop-shipping) per warehouse. Configuration settings, delivery fee, and delivery time are required on global/warehouse level.
Admin user should have ability to specify ship/delivery option for products from warehouse(s):
Shipping from a nearest warehouse (closest to customer's area)
** When a product that is assigned to multiple warehouses is added to the cart, the nearest warehouse is selected for delivery. Otherwise, product should be delivered from next nearest warehouse where it is available
Shipping from a warehouses with the highest priority
** When a product that is assigned to multiple warehouses is added to the cart, the warehouse with highest priority is selected for delivery. Other warehouses are selected according to the specified priority.
Once multi-inventory functionality is enabled, the following delivery scenario should apply:
When ordered product is assigned to a warehouse, the address of a warehouse is considered as a pick-up address for the shipping service provider. Shipping rate to be calculated accordingly.
When ordered product is not assigned to a warehouse, the store address is considered as a pick-up address for the shipping service provider. The shipping rate is to be calculated accordingly.
When ordered products are assigned to multiple warehouses, multiple orders are created. Address of appropriate warehouse is considered as pick-up address for shipping service provider to each of the orders. The shipping rate is to be calculated accordingly for each created order.
Returning Items Assigned to Different Warehouses
Store address to be the return address for products. If Automatically Return Credit Memo Item to Stock feature is enabled, the returned items should affect the general quantity of the product and appropriate Warehouse should be considered as place of their storage.
Displaying the Warehouse/Supplier Information on the Order Review Page in Backend
Order View page should display warehouse/supplier information for every ordered product. The same data should be also displayed on the Invoice, Credit Memo and Shipment pages.
Products should be displayed on separate rows in case these products will be delivered from multiple warehouses.
Notifying Warehouse/Supplier Upon Creation of an Order in Backend
Admin user should be able to manage their notifications. Notifications can be configured to be sent per warehouse when an order/invoice/refund is created.
Creating Email Template for a Warehouse/Supplier
By default, email to a warehouse/supplier should contain all product details (i.e. product name, product parameters, quantity of each item, tracking information, and shipping method details). However, admin user should be able to create their own templates. There it should be ability possible to specify email template that will be used for sending a notification (per warehouse or globally).
Tax Calculation
Depending on tax configuration and local tax laws, tax may be collected for products shipped from a warehouse location and should be included when an order is placed.
Warehouse data should be updated with reports about Sales and Products, like Orders, Shipment, Low Stock and etc.
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