Showing ideas with status Investigating.
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Submitted on
11:23 AM
Submitted by
11:23 AM
Feature request from redicer, posted on GitHub Jan 29, 2016
I am installing Magento 2.0.2. No customization. No sampledata. Apache 2.4, PHP 5.6.
Steps to reproduce
Create test category. Is Anchor - Yes.
Create test product.
I look my test category on the storefront. Layered navigation filter with 'Price' is not displayed.
Returns to the Admin page, and add to the my product test attribute 'Color'. (Filterable (with results)).
Attribute 'Color' is also not displayed in the filter.
Returns to the Admin page, and change attribute 'Color'. from 'Filterable (with results)' to 'Filterable (no results)'.
Expected result
Price filter is visible.
Actual result
Attribute 'Сolor' display begins. But the "Price" is still not visible.
In /var/log/system.log
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_28f8f27b8478aea82e0ee080b652907b7: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2a7ccd8094436548b564a588f6303121c: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'store.settings.currency' tries to reorder itself towards 'store_language', but their parents are different: 'store.settings' and 'header.panel' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:49] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_26f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:21:54] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3942059a62c87af8724fe1ef3f757dc31: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'header' tries to reorder itself towards 'global.notices', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'page.breadcrumbs' tries to reorder itself towards 'notifications', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:04] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'notification.messages', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:10] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3d377266e3d6552ca5fe63f5fe36483b7: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:10] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3793edbdc1c00dd1c3aa9e1b3dc856b39: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'header' tries to reorder itself towards 'global.notices', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'page.breadcrumbs' tries to reorder itself towards 'notifications', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2016-01-29 23:23:11] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'notification.messages', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
Do you have any ideas about this?
... View more
Submitted on
11:22 AM
Submitted by
11:22 AM
Feature request from careys7, posted on GitHub Jan 10, 2017
Magento 2.0.0 - 2.1.3 (Community or Enterprise) with Sample Data installed
Environment using magento2-docker-compose
Steps to reproduce
This issue appears to affect at least /products/ and /categories/ requests. I have added below an example for products.
Make API request for products specifying page size as 1, current page as 99999, eg:
GET /rest/default/V1/products/?searchCriteria[pageSize]=1&searchCriteria[currentPage]=9999
Host: m2.localhost:8000
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="sitoq7tu4b1aj7kikj4irkog8tggh1ch",oauth_token="kr3bly2kbbnrr9flyws9r4mxdaagxngo",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1484095699",oauth_nonce="TivkWr",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="Q02C2wk4AgkDPkYAbACUoLMoXa4%3D"
Cache-Control: no-cache
Note: Page size of '1' above is a nominal value to make examples given below more concise.
Expected result
No items returned in response if (current page * page size) > total products, eg:
"items": [],
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 1,
"current_page": 99999
"total_count": 2048
Actual result
The product with highest id is returned, eg:
"items": [
"id": 2048,
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"name": "Set of Sprite Yoga Straps",
"attribute_set_id": 12,
"status": 1,
"visibility": 4,
"type_id": "grouped",
"created_at": "2016-11-13 21:24:31",
"updated_at": "2016-11-13 21:24:31",
"extension_attributes": [],
"product_links": [
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG085",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 0,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG086",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 1,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG087",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 2,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"tier_prices": [],
"custom_attributes": [
"attribute_code": "description",
"value": "<p>Great set of Sprite Yoga Straps for every stretch and hold you need. There are three straps in this set: 6', 8' and 10'.</p>\n<ul>\n<li> 100% soft and durable cotton.\n<li> Plastic cinch buckle is easy to use.\n<li> Choice of three natural colors made from phthalate and heavy metal free dyes.\n</ul>"
"attribute_code": "image",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "small_image",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "thumbnail",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "options_container",
"value": "container2"
"attribute_code": "required_options",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "has_options",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "url_key",
"value": "set-of-sprite-yoga-straps"
"attribute_code": "is_returnable",
"value": "2"
"attribute_code": "activity",
"value": "17"
"attribute_code": "material",
"value": "41,53"
"attribute_code": "gender",
"value": "89,90,93"
"attribute_code": "category_gear",
"value": "96"
"attribute_code": "size",
"value": "100"
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 1,
"current_page": 99999
"total_count": 2048
... View more
Submitted on
08:29 AM
Submitted by
08:29 AM
Feature request from Galillei, posted on GitHub Jun 15, 2016
Steps to reproduce
I use Magento 2.0.5 on php 7.0.2 and try it use with anonymous classes. It's work correctly before i try to use production mode with di compile.
for example
public function getDebug()
return (new class($this->_loadOrder){
protected $loadOrder;
public function __construct($loadOrder)
$this->_loadOrder = $loadOrder;
public function getOrderStatus()
return $this->_loadOrder->getStatus();
And try to run follow command ./bin/magento setup:di:compile
i get error
[ReflectionException] Class \Rcklss\ShipWorks\Model\$this does not exist
... View more
Submitted on
08:29 AM
Submitted by
08:29 AM
Feature request from astorm, posted on GitHub Nov 17, 2016
Install a Magento 2.1.x system.
PHP/MySQL version irrelevant
Steps to reproduce
Run the following javascript code on Magento's home page via any means you like
Expected result
Code runs without errors
Actual result
Code produces url-builder.js:12 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'storeCode' of undefined(…) error
This is one specific example of a more widespread problem. Many of Magento 2's RequireJS modules have a dependency on a global window.checkoutConfig object. This renders these modules unusable anywhere other than the Magento checkout pages.
If Magento's hewing closely to the the implicit guidelines they've set for themselves and their third party partners and independent open source developers working with the platform, this checkout configuration should be passed in to the RequireJS programs via an x-magento-init script.
You can see a list of these global dependencies with the following unix command line (replace vendor/magento with wherever your components are)
$ find vendor/magento/ -name '*.js' | xargs grep 'window\.checkoutConfig'
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/adapter.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].clientToken;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/braintree.js: var config = window.checkoutConfig.payment,
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/cc-form.js: validator.setConfig(window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()]);
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].hasFraudProtection;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].environment;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].kountMerchantId;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/hosted-fields.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].ccVaultCode;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].title;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].locale;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].isAllowShippingAddressOverride;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].merchantName;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].paymentAcceptanceMarkSrc;
vendor/magento//module-braintree/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/validator-handler.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/action/redirect-on-success.js: redirectUrl: window.checkoutConfig.defaultSuccessPageUrl,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/checkout-data-resolver.js: if (!availableRate && window.checkoutConfig.selectedShippingMethod) {
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/checkout-data-resolver.js: selectShippingMethodAction(window.checkoutConfig.selectedShippingMethod);
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/new-customer-address.js: countryId: (addressData.country_id) ? addressData.country_id : window.checkoutConfig.defaultCountryId,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/new-customer-address.js: : window.checkoutConfig.defaultRegionId,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/new-customer-address.js: postcode: addressData.postcode ? addressData.postcode : window.checkoutConfig.defaultPostcode,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/postcode-validator.js: var patterns = window.checkoutConfig.postCodes[countryId];
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: var quoteData = window.checkoutConfig.quoteData;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: var basePriceFormat = window.checkoutConfig.basePriceFormat;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: var priceFormat = window.checkoutConfig.priceFormat;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: var storeCode = window.checkoutConfig.storeCode;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: var totalsData = window.checkoutConfig.totalsData;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/quote.js: return window.checkoutConfig.quoteItemData;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/shipping-rates-validation-rules.js: checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/shipping-rates-validator.js: var checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/step-navigator.js: window.location.href = window.checkoutConfig.pageNotFoundUrl;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/step-navigator.js: window.location = window.checkoutConfig.checkoutUrl + "#" + code;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/step-navigator.js: window.location = window.checkoutConfig.checkoutUrl + "#" + code;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/url-builder.js: storeCode: window.checkoutConfig.storeCode,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/authentication.js: var checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/billing-address.js: if (window.checkoutConfig.reloadOnBillingAddress) {
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/billing-address.js: if (window.checkoutConfig.reloadOnBillingAddress) {
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/billing-address.js: if (window.checkoutConfig.reloadOnBillingAddress) {
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/form/element/email.js: forgotPasswordUrl: window.checkoutConfig.forgotPasswordUrl,
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment.js: paymentService.setPaymentMethods(methodConverter(window.checkoutConfig.paymentMethods));
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment.js: return window.checkoutConfig.formKey;
vendor/magento//module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/summary/item/details/thumbnail.js: var imageData = window.checkoutConfig.imageData;
vendor/magento//module-checkout-agreements/view/frontend/web/js/model/agreement-validator.js: var checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig,
vendor/magento//module-checkout-agreements/view/frontend/web/js/model/agreements-assigner.js: var agreementsConfig = window.checkoutConfig.checkoutAgreements;
vendor/magento//module-checkout-agreements/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout-agreements.js: var checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig,
vendor/magento//module-offline-payments/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/banktransfer-method.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.instructions[this.item.method];
vendor/magento//module-offline-payments/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/cashondelivery-method.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.instructions[this.item.method];
vendor/magento//module-offline-payments/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/checkmo-method.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.checkmo.mailingAddress;
vendor/magento//module-offline-payments/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/checkmo-method.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.checkmo.payableTo;
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.availableTypes[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.icons.hasOwnProperty(type) ?
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.icons[type]
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.months[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.years[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.hasVerification[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.hasSsCardType[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.cvvImageUrl[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/cc-form.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.ssStartYears[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.source[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.controllerName[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.placeOrderUrl[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.cgiUrl[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.saveOrderUrl[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.dateDelim[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.cardFieldsMap[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.expireYearLength[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/iframe.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.iframe.timeoutTime[this.getCode()];
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/iframe-methods.js: return this.isInAction() ? window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalIframe.actionUrl[this.getCode()] : '';
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-billing-agreement.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalBillingAgreement.transportName;
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-billing-agreement.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalBillingAgreement.agreements;
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-express-abstract.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.paymentAcceptanceMarkHref;
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-express-abstract.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.paymentAcceptanceMarkSrc;
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-express-abstract.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.billingAgreementCode[this.item.method];
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/paypal-express-abstract.js: window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.redirectUrl[quote.paymentMethod().method]
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/paypal-payments.js: var isContextCheckout = window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.isContextCheckout,
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/paypal-payments.js: config: window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.inContextConfig
vendor/magento//module-paypal/view/frontend/web/js/view/review/actions/iframe.js: return this.isInAction() ? window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalIframe.actionUrl[this.getCode()] : '';
vendor/magento//module-persistent/view/frontend/web/js/view/remember-me.js: var persistenceConfig = window.checkoutConfig.persistenceConfig;
vendor/magento//module-shipping/view/frontend/web/js/model/config.js: return window.checkoutConfig.shippingPolicy
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/cart/totals/tax.js: var isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed = window.checkoutConfig.isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed,
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/cart/totals/tax.js: isZeroTaxDisplayed = window.checkoutConfig.isZeroTaxDisplayed;
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/shipping_method/price.js: isDisplayShippingPriceExclTax: window.checkoutConfig.isDisplayShippingPriceExclTax,
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/shipping_method/price.js: isDisplayShippingBothPrices: window.checkoutConfig.isDisplayShippingBothPrices,
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/grand-total.js: isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed: window.checkoutConfig.isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed || false,
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/grand-total.js: isTaxDisplayedInGrandTotal: window.checkoutConfig.includeTaxInGrandTotal || false,
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/details/subtotal.js: var displayPriceMode = window.checkoutConfig.reviewItemPriceDisplayMode || 'including';
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/shipping.js: var displayMode = window.checkoutConfig.reviewShippingDisplayMode;
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/subtotal.js: var displaySubtotalMode = window.checkoutConfig.reviewTotalsDisplayMode;
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/tax.js: var isTaxDisplayedInGrandTotal = window.checkoutConfig.includeTaxInGrandTotal;
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/tax.js: var isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed = window.checkoutConfig.isFullTaxSummaryDisplayed;
vendor/magento//module-tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/tax.js: var isZeroTaxDisplayed = window.checkoutConfig.isZeroTaxDisplayed;
vendor/magento//module-usps/view/frontend/web/js/model/shipping-rates-validator.js: var checkoutConfig = window.checkoutConfig;
vendor/magento//module-vault/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/vault.js: return window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.icons.hasOwnProperty(type) ?
vendor/magento//module-vault/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/method-renderer/vault.js: window.checkoutConfig.payment.ccform.icons[type]
vendor/magento//module-vault/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/vault-enabler.js: return typeof window.checkoutConfig.vault[this.paymentCode] !== 'undefined' &&
vendor/magento//module-vault/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/vault-enabler.js: window.checkoutConfig.vault[this.paymentCode]['is_enabled'] === true;
vendor/magento//module-vault/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/vault.js: _.each(window.checkoutConfig.payment.vault, function (config, index) {
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/row_excl_tax.js: if (!window.checkoutConfig.getIncludeWeeeFlag) {
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/row_excl_tax.js: if (window.checkoutConfig.getIncludeWeeeFlag) {
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/row_incl_tax.js: if (!window.checkoutConfig.getIncludeWeeeFlag) {
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/row_incl_tax.js: if (window.checkoutConfig.getIncludeWeeeFlag) {
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/weee.js: return window.checkoutConfig.isDisplayPriceWithWeeeDetails;
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/item/price/weee.js: return window.checkoutConfig.isDisplayFinalPrice;
vendor/magento//module-weee/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/summary/weee.js: isIncludedInSubtotal: window.checkoutConfig.isIncludedInSubtotal,
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Submitted on
09:17 AM
Submitted by
09:17 AM
Feature request from cedcommerce, posted on GitHub Jan 30, 2017
I am getting 500 internal server error when I am posting wrong parameter in API request. I was trying to create customer through API while posting customer data, I posted groupid instead of group_id and that shows me 500 internal server error.
Magento 2.1.0 CE (or above)
Steps to reproduce
Open magento_site_url/swagger documentation (
Open tab customerAccountManagementV1 ->Post /V1/customers to create account
Post customer data to create customer account with all correct information, instead of passing group_id pass groupid (we can try with any other parameters too).
Click on Try it Out! button
"message": "Internal Error. Details are available in Magento log file. Report ID: webapi-588f3c623a140"
Expected Result
You had passed invalid parameters in your request, groupid doesn't exist in the request parameters. (Something like this)
As i had the access of server so i got my error but there is no process in magento to handle this error and show a correct/useful message, so that API user will be able to get what exact error they made in their API request. #
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Submitted on
09:17 AM
Submitted by
09:17 AM
Feature request from Silarn, posted on GitHub Feb 02, 2017
When trying to use JavaScript to make an API call where the methods follow JavaScript standards and make an OPTIONS request to the server to determine CORS compatibility, requests will always fail.
This is because Magento has no built-in method for handling OPTIONS requests and will return a 400 error in response.
Magento 2.*
An API call using Angular JS should do the trick
Steps to reproduce
Have a running Magento install with a valid API account
Obtain an authorization key to create an API request
Make any request via AJAX in a standard browser (with valid authentication headers and request data)
Expected result
The API receives an OPTIONS request for the API endpoint and provides valid CORS headers in response
The AJAX call verifies the CORS headers and proceeds to make the API call
Actual result
The API receives an OPTIONS request for the API endpoint and fails, returning a 400 response
The AJAX call fails to validate CORS headers and stops
You can work around this by modifying the HTML server to return a valid response when any OPTIONS request is made, but this is less than ideal. Ideally each individual API endpoint can return valid CORS headers, and other pages will fail or disallow such requests.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from ytorbyk, posted on GitHub Oct 03, 2016
Magento 2.2.0-dev with sample data
Braintree payment method is configured and enabled
"Authorize" payment action is set for Braintree
Steps to reproduce
Log in
Add at least two product into the shopping cart
Place order with Braintree payment method
Go to admin panel
Create two separate invoices (partial invoices) for the order
Open each of them and create credit memo for each one
Expected result
Invoices ID is stored into DB record for the each credit memo in "sales_creditmemo" DB table
Actual result
Invoice ID field is always empty for both cases - credit memo is crated for order or for invoice.
P.S. As improvement it would be nice to have an ability to show Invoice ID in credit memo grid additionally to Order ID.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from RUjmiak, posted on GitHub Oct 19, 2016
Magento 2.1.2
Steps to reproduce
Customer login
Create cart (carts/mine)
Add product to cart
Create address (via put customers/me)
Now I have address ID 109115
I checked available shipping for my address (V1/carts/mine/estimate-shipping-methods-by-address-id) and in response I get that flatrate is available.
Expected result
One simple call with which I can add shipping address ID to cart.
Actual result
You need to use POST V1/carts/mine/shipping-information where you cant use just ID
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"id": 109115,
"customerAddressId": 109115
"shippingMethodCode": "flatrate",
"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate"
result: Error 400 Shipping address is not set
or when
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"customerAddressId": 109115
"shippingMethodCode": "flatrate",
"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate"
result: Error 400 Shipping address is not set
or when
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"id": 109115
"shippingMethodCode": "flatrate",
"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate"
result: Error 400 Shipping address is not set
OK lets to add address. Here is another funny part. You cant use address ID because it is not working (and we are just starting)
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"id": 109115,
"region": "",
"regionId": 0,
"regionCode": "",
"countryId": "SK",
"street": [
"telephone": "0902222",
"postcode": "82100",
"city": "Bratislava",
"firstname": "My name",
"lastname": "My last name",
"customerAddressId": 109115,
"customerId": 124252
"shippingMethodCode": "flatrate",
"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate"
Error 400: Unable to save shipping information. Please check input data.
Here we can look on another weird thing - why right now we are using another address attribute name asi it is on customers/me calls? For example on customers/me call
region is array, customer_id vs customerId, region_id vs regionId, country_id vs countryId... The right hand does not know what makes left...
So how we can set saved address to cart? We cant... What we need to do is to get address from customers/me, then rewrite it to different structure in shipping-information call AND delete address ID. So call should look like
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"region": "",
"regionId": 0,
"regionCode": "",
"countryId": "SK",
"street": [
"telephone": "0902222",
"postcode": "82100",
"city": "Bratislava",
"firstname": "My name",
"lastname": "My last name"
"shippingMethodCode": "flatrate",
"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate"
Vuala - this is working - but is this good? I think that this is bug and it should be done more simple.
Thanks guys
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from pareshe, posted on GitHub Nov 02, 2016
In checkout when click on Place order button take time around 13 seconds.
And when
Store > Configration > Sales > Sales Emails > General Settings > Asynchronous sending > Enable.
Then it take 7 seconds.
So it take to much time ,also send email from admin order view page. Also sending custom email using
observer "checkout_onepage_controller_success_action".
So email sending very slow.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from eric128, posted on GitHub Nov 02, 2016
Magento 2.1.2, PHP 7.0.8, Mysql 5.7
Ubuntu Apache
Steps to reproduce
Create new category (A) with Anchor = Yes, then create some sub categories below it.
Add a large of products to A and sub categories. In my case, the total count number of A more than 10000 products.
Expected result
Category can be updated without error
Actual result
Change category description and hit Save button
It takes to long to process (more than 10 min) and get memory error.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from Taral-Patoliya, posted on GitHub Nov 03, 2016
I am working on a store where i need to import products on a daily basis and the number of products may go up to more then 1,90,000. The Store discount heavily depends on the customer groups which are around 8800 including the core ones in number.
The Products are imported seamlessly, but when trying to reindex the Catalog Product Price index , it inserts 130 million records in catalog_product_index_price_final_idx table which takes huge time to complete.
Also the customer groups does not have any alternative. because catalog price rules, and tier prices depend heavily on them.
130 million records are a very huge amount of data on a mysql installations.
Note We have 15000 products as of now, but it is expected to increase to 1,90,000. so the number of records in catalog_product_index_price_final_idx table may got up to 1.65 billion records.
Note: The infrastructure of the server is optimized for high performance, with SSD for storage and MySQL configured using percona db.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from blizzardengle, posted on GitHub Nov 22, 2016
The dashboard on Magento 2.0+ chooses to display Guest in place of the customers actual name on the Last Orders grid when the customer checkouts without being logged-in.
Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2)
Steps to reproduce
Using Magento 2.0+ (I am using 2.1.2) login to a store that has had customers check out as guests.
Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name; the original poster (OP) attached an image into their post.
This seems to be the offending file but I could be wrong: vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/templates/dashboard/grid.phtml
Expected result
The Last Orders grid should show who actually placed the order (Billing Name) instead of guest regardless of the fact that they were logged in or not.
Actual result
Look at the OP's screenshot. Look at the Last Orders grid on the left and it will say Guest and not the customers actual name
This issue was raised before but got closed because of formatting and lack of updates, see: #6995
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Submitted on
09:20 AM
Submitted by
09:20 AM
Feature request from leoquijano, posted on GitHub Apr 18, 2016
As described in #2264, there's currently no way to import LESS files from a theme or extension directory to the vendor/ folder. This is particularly relevant for theme developers since most custom themes could include content from different LESS libraries, and those libraries are better maintained using Composer or Bower (Bower can be configured to also put packages inside vendor/).
So suppose I have this in my theme's main.less file:
@import '../../../../../../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less';
Now, I could use Bootstrap compiled CSS, but that wouldn't allow me to use variables and mixins from that deployment. If I try to copy Bootstrap files directly in the theme web directory, then the LESS preprocessor will pick them up and fail, since it tries to compile every file in the Bootstrap library instead of just the main one (which imports the other ones).
(And also, it's better to keep external CSS libraries in the vendor directory anyway)
The error shown is this:
File path '../../../../../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less' is forbidden for security reasons.>
I tried to symlink the file (which is not always the best solution since some deployments may fail to reproduce symlinks adequately, especially on Windows), but it's not working either. I'll probably have to copy the full Bootstrap code in a file as a workaround, but it's more maintainable to enable some way of importing from vendor/ directory.
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Submitted on
12:25 PM
Submitted by
12:25 PM
Feature request from OleksiyOleksiyovych, posted on GitHub Mar 11, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from master branch. Version 2.0.2
Go to Store - Configuration - Sales - Payment Methods
Configure PayPal PayFlow Pro
Start create order process
Expected result
Validate credit card number before request to PayPal.
Save information cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year in 'sales_order_payment' table
Actual result
can enter any chapters into credit card field
cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year did not save in sales_order_payment
Additional information
Saving cc_exp_month and cc_exp_year is important for me, because I need this information for reauthorization process. It works well in Magento 1.x.
Maybe, this logic is missed in M2, because I can not find save process of this information like in M1.
Also I found initialization of $_canSaveCc field, but I can not find where it field using. It was use in prepareSave() method (app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php) in M1.
.//app/code/Magento/Braintree/Model/PaymentMethod.php:93: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php:27: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Direct.php:96: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Hostedpro.php:64: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
.//app/code/Magento/Paypal/Model/Payflowpro.php:203: protected $_canSaveCc = false;
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Submitted on
09:12 AM
Submitted by
09:12 AM
Feature request from will-b, posted on GitHub Oct 25, 2015
type="text/javascript" is not needed for script tags any more.
line 307
$attributes = ' type="text/javascript" ' . trim($attributes);
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Submitted on
09:12 AM
Submitted by
09:12 AM
Feature request from mage2pro, posted on GitHub Jan 07, 2016
Related to:,,
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Submitted on
09:12 AM
Submitted by
09:12 AM
Feature request from ezequielalba, posted on GitHub Jan 19, 2016
I'm getting this issue after run grunt exec:<theme> , this shows up:
Processed Area: frontend, Locale: en_US, Theme: Ids/prueba, File type: less.
>> [Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException]
>> Cannot create a symlink for "/usr/local/devs/magento2/htdocs/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/web/css/source/_reset.less" and place it to "/usr/local/devs/magento2/htdocs/pub/static/frontend/Ids/prueba/en_US/css/source/_reset.less" Warning!file_get_contents(/usr/local/devs/magento2/htdocs/var/cache//mage-tags/mage---e39_INTERCEPTION): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
>> dev:source-theme:deploy [--type="..."] [--locale="..."] [--area="..."] [--theme="..."] [file1] ... [fileN]
>> Exited with code: 1.
Warning: Task "exec:prueba" failed. Use --force to continue.
And after i run grunt refresh , shows the same after it cleans all the paths.
Now, running the command for the bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy got this:
Processed Area: frontend, Locale: en_US, Theme: Magento/luma, File type: less.
Cannot create a symlink for "/usr/local/devs/magento2/htdocs/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/web/css/source/_reset.less" and place it to "/usr/local/devs/mage
dev:source-theme:deploy [--type="..."] [--locale="..."] [--area="..."] [--theme="..."] [file1] ... [fileN]
I was triyng to fix this by following a lot of instructions on other issues already, nothing worked.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
I have a VM configured running of Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS , and have node 5.4.1 with npm 3.3.12
Update of the issue: If a run the bin/magento static:deploy and after that i run grunt less:theme it gives no errors, but when watching isnt detecting the changes in the .less files of the theme.
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Submitted on
09:11 AM
Submitted by
09:11 AM
Feature request from Ctucker9233, posted on GitHub May 23, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Fresh install of Magento 2 from CPanel
Create 2nd root category with subcategories
Create 2nd website, store and store view
Note: At this point I could visit my base url and see no categories (I didn't add and categories to the default root category) then go to my new url which didn't have styles applied to it and see my categories and subcategories.
Apply magento blank theme to new store view
Expected result
New url has selected theme applied and catalog navigation shows categories with subcategories
Actual result
New url shows the default theme (luma) and catalog navigation does not appear (remember, no subcategories in the default root category)
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Submitted on
09:11 AM
Submitted by
09:11 AM
Feature request from adragus-inviqa, posted on GitHub Jul 17, 2016
php bin/magento
Magento CLI version 2.1.0
On previous versions, we've been told to use setup:di:compile-multi-tenant instead of setup:di:compile . K. Now we're told to get back to using setup:di:compile . Ugh, fine.
But whilst you were fixing (?) setup:di:compile , we've gotten accustomed to setup:di:compile-multi-tenant 's various and useful CLI options, which - yep - setup:di:compile does not have. And now that setup:di:compile-multi-tenant is gone, we're left with no.. option:
php bin/magento help setup:di:compile
--help (-h) Display this help message
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question
One of the more useful options which is now kaput was --exclude-pattern . That allowed us to omit certain files which we didn't want compiled, ofc. But now we're stuck with whatever you thought it was good for your scenarios.
Can we get setup:di:compile to be as flexible as multi-tenant was? If not the same, at least allow us to inject our own exclude patterns.
PS: I hope I won't be asked "Can you give me an example of a scenario in which you need to exclude something?". Just trust me on this one, mkay?
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Submitted on
09:11 AM
Submitted by
09:11 AM
Feature request from JacobDrummond, posted on GitHub Sep 01, 2016
Apache 2.4.17
MySQL 5.0.11-dev
PHP 5.6.15
Magento 2.1.0
Feature request
Way to disable new customer welcome email when creating a customer in admin
Current behavior
No checkbox to disable welcome email:
Desired behavior
The admin customer form in Magento 1 lets you decide whether or not to send a welcome email:
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