Submitted on
12:59 PM
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12:59 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Sep 07, 2015
There is a flag on the ./bin/magento module:enable command: --clear-static-content
Unfortunately, this only appears to be on the module-enable option. If static assets are desired to be cleared at any other time, this isn't an option.
I believe there should be a new command under ./bin/magento that just clears this static content, something like:
./bin/magento cache:clear-static-content
I'm not sure if static assets are considered a cached asset, so this may need some revision.
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Submitted on
12:33 PM
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12:33 PM
Feature request from JamesAnelay, posted on GitHub Jun 03, 2015
There is a bug/issue with widget sort orders which means if you have widget widget updates for the 'default' handle and another a specific handle e.g cms pages it is impossible to have your cms_page update block show above the default handles update block.
This is because DB layout updates are pulled in per handle sorted and then the next handle is pulled in this means you can only sort widget updates on a per handle basis.
A fix would be to pull the updates from the database using all current handles using IN($handlesArray) in the select statment. e.g for Magento1
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Submitted on
12:30 PM
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12:30 PM
Feature request from SidneyBilliet, posted on GitHub May 12, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from develop branch.
Make sure you have more than 20 orders so you have at least two pages in the order grid
go to page 2 (or 3, or 4...) and open an order by clicking 'view'
Click the "back" button on the order view page
Expected result
You should be redirected to the page 2 (or 3, or 4...) of the order grid (where you opened the order)
Actual result
Instead you are always redirected to page 1 of the order grid
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Hi, As a suggestion I think it is better to add next generation image support for Magento 2 Thanks, Raminda
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Submitted on
12:00 PM
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12:00 PM
Feature request from tiwarimukesh, posted on GitHub Apr 03, 2016
Can we have an option in Magento admin so that when a site is in maintenance mode customers should see a CMS page which can be easily customized in Magento admin.
So the site owners have a flexibility to show the customized page with custom messages to the customers.
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Feature request from rhoerr, posted on GitHub Feb 23, 2016
In brief: There seems to be an issue with \Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository whereby it does not respect emulation, nor does it correctly identify the current scope in all situations.
The primary result of this when saving a product through ProductRepository from an affected scope is that (1) some attributes are saved in the fallback scope (default store) when that would not be expected, and (2) it seems to be impossible to associate a product to multiple websites.
Magento version: EE 2.0.2
Context: A custom controller in the admin panel extending \Magento\Backend\App\Action , for importing configurable products.
Tracing the issue:
\Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface is injected into the controller via DI.
We load $product , already having website_ids = [1, 2] (for reasons unclear, these are not returned by $product->getWebsiteIds() .)
We call $this->productRepository->save($product);
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository::save() calls
ProductRepository->initializeProductData() calls
ProductRepository->assignProductToWebsites() calls
ProductRepository->storeManager->getStore() ( \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager )
Having no currentStoreId, StoreManager calls
StoreManager->storeResolver->getCurrentStoreId() ( \Magento\Store\Model\StoreResolver ) calls
StoreResolver was initialized by DI with no runMode or scopeCode , therefore $this->runMode defaults to 'website', and $this->scopeCode defaults to 'null'.
With this state, StoreResolver::getStoresData() returns:
[0] => Array // $stores
[0] => 1
[1] => 1 // $defaultStoreId
$store is loaded based on $defaultStoreId and returned to ProductRepository .
Bottom line: This results in ProductRepository->storeManager->getStore()->getCode() returning 'default', despite that we are in the admin scope.
Starting emulation on the admin store prior to this process has no bearing on the outcome.
Passing in a parameter of ___store='admin' has no bearing on the outcome (because admin is not a valid website code).
Expected behavior is that ProductRepository obeys the scope of whatever context it is called from, including emulation.
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Feature request from bentideswell, posted on GitHub Jun 22, 2016
The function returns a \Magento\Framework\Phrase object that when echo'd, is converted to a string via the toString method. This breaks several integrations I am working on and also doesn't work properly with json_encode (its saved as an object rather than a string).
Is it possible to have have this method return a string? The majority of time this method is used, it will be echo'd straight away, meaning the object isn't required anyway. A second function could be created that returns the object and the __ function could call this second function and cast the result to a string.
Here is a rough example:
function __O()
$argc = func_get_args();
$text = array_shift($argc);
if (!empty($argc) && is_array($argc[0])) {
$argc = $argc[0];
return new \Magento\Framework\Phrase($text, $argc);
function __()
return (string)__(func_get_args())
This is needed as the __ function cannot be overwritten or extended like all other publicly available methods in Magento.
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Feature request from F-Gueguen, posted on GitHub Aug 09, 2016
I use magento 2.1, maria db 10.1.14, nginx 1.11.2, varnish 4.1, php 7.0.7 with an architecture nginx http2->varnish->nginx->magento
I have a store where I need to have hundreds of simple products associated to some configurable products (I sell sofa, you can change some colors, corner side, material, etc, and I need a stock per variation, so I have to use the configurable). The fact is I understand it's pretty long to generate the simple products, but then each time I need to edit the configurable, it loads and save the list of simple products, which sometimes breaks my page and takes forever.
Would it be possible to have the "simple product" part of the page loaded only when needed?
Same scenario, would it be possible to change the attributes to select order without loading the simple product list itself, as we could do in Magento 1? It's not possible to change this order by csv if I'm right.
Thank you for your time and for this wonderful tool :)
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Feature request from qmarlats, posted on GitHub Aug 12, 2016
Do you planned to allow custom options for simple products associated with configurable products like this extension did? Since there are no any alternative extension for Magento 2 it would be really usefull.
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Feature request from alexgoodey, posted on GitHub Aug 15, 2016
It is not possible to change the price of custom options at different scopes. If you change the scope when editing a product and change the price of a custom option the value is changed across all scopes. This functionality was present in Magento 1.
Steps to reproduce
Create a Magento environment with multiple websites and store views
Create a simple product
Add a custom option to the product with different values with different pricing
Save the product
Change the store view scope you are editing in and change the pricing of the custom options
Review the custom option pricing at default and other storeview scopes
Expected result
Price of the custom option should be different at the storeview scope.
Actual result
Price of the custom option is changed to the new value at all scope levels
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Feature request from hiephm, posted on GitHub Aug 19, 2016
Right now there are many classes that usually be inherited but all of their members are private (for example \Magento\Payment\Model\Method\Adapter).
For child classes to use their parent members, we must re-declare constructor and all members again, which is not very convenience.
I know that OOP good practice is keeping member as much private as possible. But given the extensible nature of Magento, I think most of the private member can be safely changed to protected.
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Feature request from owenhaynes, posted on GitHub May 31, 2015
Is there any plan for a media stroage api, was looking to see if it was possible to use S3/Cloud Stroage for media assets. So that Elastic Beanstalk can be used effectively.
I don't think storing the images in the database is the correct option when S3 storage is far cheaper and faster to run then a database.
Have had a look at the code and it seems very tightly coupled with File and Database, so creating a plugin seems a lot of work.
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Currently, elements that are hidden in the Page Builder still get put into the page's HTML. This can be a problem for site speed if the hidden elements contain images, since those images are still loading, even though they're not getting displayed on the page. I'd like for Page Builder elements that are hidden to not be added to the page's HTML at all, rather than just being hidden through CSS.
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Feature request from nyov, posted on GitHub Nov 29, 2015
Is it possible to do the equivalent of the System->Import and System->Export screens from the 'magento cli' commandline?
Having at least the Importers available from the commandline would be a very big boon (without going through the requests-heavy rest or soap api).
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Feature request from fvschie, posted on GitHub Apr 05, 2016
There is no API for getting or setting newsletter subscription status. Such an API is necessary for integration with third-party systems, specifically mailing platforms.
This needs to be separate from customer API of course, although adding newsletter subscription status to Customers would be a welcome addition too.
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Please allow "Purchase on Account" to be an available payment method when placing orders in the Admin on behalf of a customer who does not want to enter an order online. I'm shocked that Magento does not allow orders to be placed against a company's credit limit while placing orders through the Admin. Many B2B customers will simply want to send in a PO rather than ordering through our frontend, but lacking this feature we have no way to accept that PO and account for it on the company's credit limit. What's the use of this credit limit otherwise???
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Issue: When we tried to update the expiry date of a gift card; after extending the validity of any expired gift card, customers are able to apply them on frontend. However, as the status remains as 'Expired', it causes an issue when customers checkout with PayPal. The gift card is automatically removed on PayPal and the subtotal returns the amount without discount (which differs from what the customers see on the frontend which is with the discount). Feedback from Magento Support: We contacted Magento Support and was asked to submit it as a new feature as this "looks like the expected behaviour for expired Giftcards. There could be other dependencies as to why it does not change the status of already expired codes."
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Support for native html lazy loading tag in templates aug 2019 Update default grid layouts? Update non-core sale images like upsell and crosssell?
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Currently if a company Admin creates a requisition list , he can not share that requisition list with the other users. Also if some sub user creates requisition list then that is not even available to Company admin even if Company has all rights. So, it seems just like requisition list, what is the importance of using requisition list in B2B. how it is important from B2B perspective. I feel requisition list should be shared among the sub users and company admin should have rights to update requisition list of sub users.
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Make possible to enable and disable Dynamic price in boundle product even after the first save.
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