Does this have the same file structure and compile as magnetos LESS? Eg when I run gulp styles the file
will compile?
Or do I have to add the styles in
Up from version 1.3.0 of Frontools you can compile styles directly from modules, without moving them to the theme.
It's not well described anywhere yet (I'm just bussy :<), but you can check sample configuration, "modules" parameter.
Thanks man, you're a legend.
In a Custom Module what is the path so that sass get successfully compiled?
nvm , you listed above
Actually nope, the following doesnt work.
{ "blank": { "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-blank-sass", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/blank", "locale": ["en_US"] }, "zymo": { "src": "vendor/gigasavvy/theme-frontend-zymo", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Gigasavvy/zymo", "locale": ["en_US"], "stylesDir": "styles", "postcss": ["plugins.autoprefixer()"], "parent": "blank", "modules": { "Gigasavvy_DockedMiniCart": "app/code/gigasavvy-dockedminicart" } } }
Could you show me files structure inside "app/code/gigasavvy-dockedminicart" and shortly describe what you want to achieve (import partial / compile styles from the module)?
i just want the sass in styles.scss to be compiled into the main styles.css
Let's try to change your config to:
"modules": { "Gigasavvy_DockedMiniCart": "app/code/gigasavvy-dockedminicart/view/frontend" }
But at all somewhere in "pub/static/frontend/Gigasavvy/zymo/Gigasavvy_DockedMiniCart" should be compiled "styles.css"
unfortunately, no luck with changing the themes.json to the latter. Also no sign of compiled styles.css in the DockedMiniCart module.