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Create transaction programmatically


Create transaction programmatically

Hello everyone,

How can we create a transaction programmatically for an existing order in Magento 2?

Thanks a lot for your answers.


Accepted Solutions

Re: Create transaction programmatically

I meant create a transaction (auth, capture...) for an existing order that has no payment yet.

I found the answer, here it is:


   public function addTransactionToOrder($order, $paymentData = array()) {
        try {
            // Prepare payment object
            $payment = $order->getPayment();
            $payment->setAdditionalInformation([Transaction::RAW_DETAILS => (array) $paymentData]);

            // Formatted price
            $formatedPrice = $order->getBaseCurrency()->formatTxt($order->getGrandTotal());
            // Prepare transaction
            $transaction = $this->transactionBuilder->setPayment($payment)
            ->setAdditionalInformation([Transaction::RAW_DETAILS => (array) $paymentData])

            // Add transaction to payment
            $payment->addTransactionCommentsToOrder($transaction, __('The authorized amount is %1.', $formatedPrice));

            // Save payment, transaction and order
            return  $transaction->getTransactionId();

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->messageManager->addExceptionMessage($e, $e->getMessage());

View solution in original post


Re: Create transaction programmatically

Hi @davidfiaty,


Can you explain a little bit more what do you mean by transaction? (because you said you got hte Order already)

Re: Create transaction programmatically

I meant create a transaction (auth, capture...) for an existing order that has no payment yet.

I found the answer, here it is:


   public function addTransactionToOrder($order, $paymentData = array()) {
        try {
            // Prepare payment object
            $payment = $order->getPayment();
            $payment->setAdditionalInformation([Transaction::RAW_DETAILS => (array) $paymentData]);

            // Formatted price
            $formatedPrice = $order->getBaseCurrency()->formatTxt($order->getGrandTotal());
            // Prepare transaction
            $transaction = $this->transactionBuilder->setPayment($payment)
            ->setAdditionalInformation([Transaction::RAW_DETAILS => (array) $paymentData])

            // Add transaction to payment
            $payment->addTransactionCommentsToOrder($transaction, __('The authorized amount is %1.', $formatedPrice));

            // Save payment, transaction and order
            return  $transaction->getTransactionId();

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->messageManager->addExceptionMessage($e, $e->getMessage());

Re: Create transaction programmatically

How should be calling this method and which data should be pass in $paymentData?