I have created custom create customer API in Magento 2.4.4 but the API giving me error.
please see the screenshot - https://prnt.sc/dOq9XggM1Ooj
Hello @diaanninjaa0bb
ini_set('memory_limit',256); OR ini_set('memory_limit','-1');
It may help you.
Thank you
Thank you @Bhanu Periwal for your answer but it's not working because I am creating this API in Magento CE 2.4.
can you please share code here so I can check once at my level.
sorry I can't able to share the code @Bhanu Periwal, but i can say that i have created one method with one $data parameter and created one model class to implement that method and another interface with getters and setters and also model class for that getter and setter implementation and i want to create customer by getting and setting the methods which i have implemented.
When using Customer Attributes to upload customer profiles into a data source, Adobe recommends against users sharing devices (meaning, the same Experience Cloud ID). The Experience Cloud ID (ECID) persists on the device. Sharing devices can cause the ECID to link www.nexus.iceland.co.uk multiple users to the same ECID, causing unexpected results in Target. Note: For Mobile, the ECID is permanent after the Mobile app is installed. Reinstall the app to generate a new ECID. For Web, a new ECID is generated after the browser cookie is cleared.