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Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider


Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider

I'm developing a payment gateway extension and it "works" in the sense of I can show it in the backend and frontend and have my "Place Order" button.


But that's where I despair..


I want to:


1. Via API Call, create an order at the external payment gateway backend (I can do that with curl in the Gateway Client
2. When I receive the order URL from the external payment gateway, I want to redirect to this URL so that the customer can pay there. Alternatively, display the URL in an iframe so that the customer can pay.


How can I do step 2? I can't find that out.. Both options would be ok for me..

Thanks a lot in advance!


Accepted Solutions

Re: Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider


I solved the problem myself now.

Basically the solution I was looking for is like this:

  1. In frontend/web/template/payment/form.html, I do set my JS action.

     <div class="actions-toolbar">
             <div class="primary">
                 <button data-role="review-save"
                         class="action primary checkout"
                             click: talerAction,
                             attr: {title: $t('Place Order')},
                             enable: (getCode() == isChecked()),
                             css: {disabled: !isPlaceOrderActionAllowed()}                                "
                     <span data-bind="i18n: 'Place Order'"></span>
  2. In the JS, I do open my payment popup

  3. At the end of the JS, i simply put this.placeOrder() and it goes on with the normal payment flow.

View solution in original post


Re: Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider


I solved the problem myself now.

Basically the solution I was looking for is like this:

  1. In frontend/web/template/payment/form.html, I do set my JS action.

     <div class="actions-toolbar">
             <div class="primary">
                 <button data-role="review-save"
                         class="action primary checkout"
                             click: talerAction,
                             attr: {title: $t('Place Order')},
                             enable: (getCode() == isChecked()),
                             css: {disabled: !isPlaceOrderActionAllowed()}                                "
                     <span data-bind="i18n: 'Place Order'"></span>
  2. In the JS, I do open my payment popup

  3. At the end of the JS, i simply put this.placeOrder() and it goes on with the normal payment flow.

Re: Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider



In your payment method javascript file.
1. web\js\view\payment\method-renderer\custom-payment-direct.js
], function(.., modal, ..){
     // Your modal options
     var modaloption = {
            type: 'popup',
            modalClass: 'custom-modal',
            responsive: true,
            innerScroll: true,
            clickableOverlay: true,
            title: 'Payment',
            buttons: [],
            opened: function() {
                $(".custom-modal-popup .modal-footer").hide();

     placeOrder: function () {

                if (this.validate() && additionalValidators.validate()) {
                return false;

    openModalToPay: function() {
        // generate iframe content dynamically to load url
        var url = "your-response-url";
        $(".iframe-contain").html('<iframe width="100%" allowpaymentrequest allow="payment" height="500px" src="' + url + '"></iframe>');

        // use iframe-contain in your custom .html file

        var pelecardoption = modal(modaloption, $('.custom-modal-popup'));
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