How do I add so the customer can see which email they have entered in "Shipping Address" in the checkout?
Is it possible do it in the "Address Templates" (configuration->customers->customer configuration)? I have already tried {{var email}} without any luck.
Hoping someone can help me with this.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe I'm just looking the wrong place. Maybe this helps with what I want to achieve.
I have been digging around and found out that the data that must be altered is in the shipping-address/address-renderer/default.html
But I cannot figure out how to call the /customer email, I have tried with no luck address().email here is the code
<div class="shipping-address-item" css="'selected-item' : isSelected() , 'not-selected-item':!isSelected()"> <text args="address().prefix"/> <text args="address().firstname"/> <text args="address().middlename"/> <text args="address().lastname"/> <text args="address().suffix"/><br/> <text args="_.values(address().street).join(', ')"/><br/> <text args="address().postcode"/>, <text args="address().city "/> <span text="address().region"></span><br/> <text args="getCountryName(address().countryId)"/><br/> <a if="address().telephone" attr="'href': 'tel:' + address().telephone" text="address().telephone"></a><br/> <a if="address().email" attr="'href': ':' + address().email" text="address().email"></a><br/>
Is it not possible to add it somehow? I have searched and searched but i cannot find any information on this.