Please see screenshot named as "magento2_product_edit_page.png" attached here.
I want to achieve functionality into Magento 2 as per attached screenshot here
I don't believe this is going to be a simple task as it will be in many parts of the system.
Depending on your requirements, it might be easier to change the local qty to what you would have put in the total qty field. This could be calculated by taking the distributor qty + local qty (perhaps subtracting the qty in orders that haven't been accounted for in the distributor system if needed)
Thanks for reply,
is it possible to check out of stock/in stock based on Total Qty (Product Attribute) field instead of Magento's default Qty (Local Qty) field via programmatically?
Please suggest me and also please suggest men any other solution to achieving this functionality.
As I said above really, I don't think it's going to be very easy to update to use a different field programmiatically. I would try and find a different way to do the integration so that you could use the default qty field. Like changing the way you calculate the qty during import like I mentioned.
Thanks for your suggestion,
I will work on other solution.
One more question, If I set "Manage Stock = No" into Advance Inventory Section of product and than set "Stock Status = In Stock" and the product saved properly with 0 qty and In-stock status.
But, is it a valid way to achieve this functionality?
And please also explain to me what is impact into the product if I set manage stock = No on backend product page.?