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BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

As per the subject, I have bots creating new customer accounts on my site. Mostly sending messages to "" addresses.


Anyway to stop these?




Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

Hello @mdrucker 


Yes - this is known issue ! have seen few posted threads previously.


Here i am sharing one link -


Go with the posted solutions and implement it for the same - specifically you can go with Solution no 4 - Enable Magento Captcha or Google Captcha and block their ip on server level.


It will resolved your issue !


Hope it helps !

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Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

Unfortunately the Captcha (at least the one built into Magento) and IP blocking has not worked.


They come every few hours and create 30-40 accounts. New IP is used every time.

Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

Use Google Recaptcha

Suman Kar( Magento Certified Developer Plus Skype: sumanphptech Problem solved? Please give 'Kudos' and accept 'Answer as Solution'.

Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

Hi @mdrucker 


Here are some solution you can implement for prevent spam account registration


1. Enable Magento Captcha:

Enable Magento captcha from store configuration.

2. Pass encrypted string in phtml file:

<input name="form_key_hidden" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $FormKey->getFormKey().'259a8240fba23e82626efdc9eaa0c483';?>" />
and check in controller

$customformKey = $require->getParam('form_key_hidden');
if ($customformKey == $objectManager->create('\Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey')->getFormKey() . '259a8240fba23e82626efdc9eaa0c483') {
// default code

3. Update fields limitation rules from database:

Update directly in the customer_eav_attribute table, update rows with attribute_id=5 [firstname] and attribute_id=7 [lastname] and replace 255 by 25 :


a:2:{s:15:"max_text_length";i:255;s:15:"min_text_length";i:1;} (before update/ bydefault)
a:2:{s:15:"max_text_length";i:25;s:15:"min_text_length";i:1;} (modified)

4. Add Google Captcha:

Magento provides limited form's captcha , for custom form either we need to custom code for magento captcha or add google captcha.

5. Block IP address:

Check that every time bot is running from same ip then block that ip from your .htaccess file
Example: Deny from

I hope all above solutions will help you.




If issue solved, Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

There are some solutions I have applied and its working for me.

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

Tried turning on Google invisible Capcha, then no customer could login. Can you please advise? I appreciate your help.


Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

This can happen if you have regular captcha enabled in Stores > Configuration > Customers


If the sign in form is from a custom theme, the custom theme may not support recatpcha login. Easiest thing to do would be to delete the file from your theme and use the default login file.

Re: BOTS Creating Customer Accounts

the step 3 ofPankajS_Magento helped me. thanks a lot