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Can’t save grouped products

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Can’t save grouped products

I am on Magento 2.2.2 , every time I save a grouped product nothing is added to it steps
Create a grouped product -> add simple products to it -> save it

No error is thrown, products added in group disappears after saving the group.

Please help if anyone got some clue on what’s going on.

Re: Can’t save grouped products

Hi @vaibhavtyagee


So after that . the group product you have created is exist ? or its also disappeared ?


can you please do reindexing by running this command - php bin/magento indexer:reindex and then check ?


Also if you check the error logs and post here its help us to troubleshoot the issue !

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Re: Can’t save grouped products

Hi @Manthan Dave

Grouped product stays but the simple products added to that group disappears right after saving it.

No, reindexing did not fix it.

exception.log  doesn't  have anything entry related to it

Re: Can’t save grouped products

Hi @vaibhavtyagee


looks like you are trying to add some other product type into grouped product and that is why its disappearing from there !!


So when you are adding products into grouped products - make sure you add only simple products in it  - product type must required simple product only !


Also those product have quantity more than 1 !


Please try this and confirm working or not ?



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Re: Can’t save grouped products

@vaibhavtyagee, did you find out how to solve this issue?

I have the same problem..


Thanks for the answer.

Re: Can’t save grouped products

Hi @vaibhavtyagee , @dejanzajc123 ,


Although not sure exactly the cause of the issue in your case but I have ran into same issue recently in my case I was able to find this message in the logs:


main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'product_tabs', because the latter doesn't exist [] []


The reason in my case was: simple that I was adding in group has custom-option added, once removing that custom option resolved my issue completely.

You may also check if that is the reason.


Please check.


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