I have an error in Magento 2.
I am not able to:
1. Delete products on admin panel
On logs I have only: main.ERROR: The "Test product 2" product couldn't be removed. [] []
2. Display delivery methods on checkout
On checkout (browsers console) I have only:

It goes to:/rest/default/V1/guest-carts/9YRuzDHTFjA3WnIGbdoUIKsTESAcmZrm/estimate-shipping-methods.
It has error 500 and response:
Exception #0 (LogicException): Service method specified in the definition of handler "product_action_attribute.update" for topic "product_action_attribute.update" is not available. Given "Magento\Catalog\Model\Attribute\Backend\Consumer:
When I enter mydomain.com/swagger I have following:

The error in browsers console is like above.
Additional information:
- This is Magento 2 + Hyva
- On local it works correctly
- This site is using Cloudflare
- This is a fresh project
- I disabled any modules - no result
Does someone have any idea what could be the cause?