When I try to change the sizes on the frontend option nothing changes.
Any idea why?
Can you check the error on browser console ? and post the error here , so it help us to troubleshoot the issue !
Hi Manthan,
Thanks for your answer.
Where can I see this error exactly? (when changing the sizes it doesn't show me any error but the changes does not apply to the website..)
You will require to check error on the browser console , so open your browser console and then try to change the size you will able to see few errors in red color !
Hi Manthan,
This is the only error that I see, but it seems that it is related to the frontend but the color not the size...
d="row_weltpixel_frontend_options_main_options_error__color"><td class="label"><label for="weltpixel_frontend_options_main_options_error__color"><span data-config-scope="[STORE VIEW]">Error Color</span></label></td><td class="value"><input id="weltpixel_frontend_options_main_options_error__color" name="groups[main_options][fields][error__color][value]" data-ui-id="text-groups-main-options-fields-error-color-value" value="#FF0A0A" class=" color {required:false, hash:true} input-text admin__control-text" type="text"/></td><td class=""></td></tr></tbody></table></fieldset><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[