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Is the fact that "One or more of my indexers are invalid" something that I need to worry about?

Is the fact that "One or more of my indexers are invalid" something that I need to worry about?

I am aware of the fact that I need to run a line of command through my CLI ( Command Line Interface ), but even after reading Magento's manual on how do fix it, I still find it extremely complicated to do since I'm new to this.


Would any major issues arise if I decide to leave this issue unfixed?






Re: Is the fact that "One or more of my indexers are invalid" something that I need to wor



As I can see the indexing mode is set to update by schedule, you need not to worry about the "Reindex Required" message that is shown since re-index process is run automatically in the background based on the cron job settings. 


I recommend setting a default cron jobs for magento. Refer:


FYI,  Indexing is how Magento transforms data such as products, categories, and so on, to improve the performance of your storefront. As data changes, the transformed data must be updated—or re-indexed.


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