I got a weird problem in my Magento 2. All products's name are not show in the product page, and the title of these product pages are all 404.
I found just by re-saving the product without any change this problem can be solved.
I tried to update attributes for all products, and change their status, both not work. For now, the only way I found that can solve the problem is to click into the edit page of each product, and then click save one by one.
So, is there a way that can let me re-save all products?
Hello @quizmask
have you recently migrate data from 1 to 2?
if you want to save then create one script
and save it
make sure you will use area code admin, in reference url it is frontend.
Hope it will help you.
Hi @quizmask
You can save all product by custom script.
Create a custom script on the root of Magento.
use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;
include 'app/bootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
$state = $objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\App\State');
$productCollectionFactory = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory');
$productcollection = $productCollectionFactory->create()
foreach ($productcollection as $product) {
$productId = $product->getId();
$product = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product');
then run this custom script on your browser
If Issue Solved, Click Kudos/Accept As solutions.
Please try to run store indexes reindex manually, maybe that can help you without doing all that saving stuff.
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
@Prince Patel I tried your method, but after run the script, I still see 404 in the product page. Also, I can't make the title show by just saving it in the edit page now.
I find the following error message in the log: (I just copied one, it shows for all products)
[2018-08-01 14:28:03] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":"http:/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["catalog_product_788"],"mode":"matchingAnyTag"},"is_exception":false} [] [2018-08-01 14:28:03] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":"http:/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["catalog_product_788","FPC"],"mode":"matchingTag"},"is_exception":false} [] [2018-08-01 14:28:03] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":"http:/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["catalog_product_788"],"mode":"matchingTag"},"is_exception":false} [] [2018-08-01 14:28:03] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":"http:/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["catalog_product_788"],"mode":"matchingTag"},"is_exception":false} [] [2018-08-01 14:28:03] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":"http:/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["catalog_product_788","FPC"],"mode":"matchingTag"},"is_exception":false} []
your answer is very helpful for me
And for only configurable products¿?