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Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

Hi There,


I've seen a very similar problem here in the forum, but couldn't get it resolved like this.


When I import a configurable product with simple products, the configurations just don't show up.


Is there anyone having this same issue as well?


Here's the CSV I've used:


Maybe somebody could help with this.





Re: Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

Hi @mipretzlgm9ec6 


Can you please confirm if the products are imported successfully and they are just not shown frontend or they are not imported at all?


Thank you.

Re: Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

The products are imported, but are not in the frontend not in the configurable product itself under the "configurations" tab.


Re: Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

Hi @mipretzlgm9ec6 


Have you tried looking at the following link?

Magento Devdocs 


Thank you

Re: Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

Thanks for your answer. 


Yes. I've followed it.


Which Editor is suggested using on a Mac to edit and generate the csv files? 

I found out, that no matter which one I use they will all change , to ; 


I know I can change this on import, but it seems like something is not quiet right with this.


Or there is a bug in Magento.

Re: Magento 2.3.1 Importing configurable product issue

I sort of got it solved and not.


I managed to import one product with configurations all showing correctly. What I did is to use comma only in the csv. Then I've tried to import the next configurable product by just replacing the sku and all other individual values, but didn't change a thing else. 


Tried to import, same issue. All products are listed, but no connection from configurable to simple products. 


Deleted the first one again, reimported it, and still working. Adapted this file for the other product again.... still not working. 


Is there anybody who can help?

