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Magento 2 SOAP with C#

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Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi All,


I am trying to read Magento customer from a C# third-party software.
When I enter SOAP into browser, its throwing error.

URL - 



Consumer is not authorized to access %resources

Please suggest, how to resolve this concern.




Accepted Solutions

Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


I understand your concern , but for that you need to contact to this -


As they are not supporting soap api so


for magento 2 native api , you can refer this link -


Hope it helps !

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Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


Yes directly if you hit this URL in the browser it won't work and it gives the consumer not authorized the access error !


to access this api and get correct output - first you required to have accesstoken of this api


So use any api app - like POSTMAN - form there first pass the get accesstoken api - once you get the accesstoken - then you need to pass that accesstoken with this customerMetaData API


then it will display list of customer data



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Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @Manthan Dave


Thanks for prompt reply.
Thing is that I need to consume this web service in Visual studio, so Do I need to use postman tool for that.


Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


POSTMAN app is just for testing purpose - just test the magento api , you don't required to use that in visual studio !


So as you mention you are using this in visual studio - below i am sharing a complete example of soap api - from there you get actual idea how its works !


$request = new SoapClient("http://magento.m2/index.php/soap/?wsdl&services=integrationAdminTokenServiceV1", array("soap_version" => SOAP_1_2));
$token = $request->integrationAdminTokenServiceV1CreateAdminAccessToken(array("username"=>"inchoo", "password"=>"GN2vKgfsszz43u"));
$opts = array(
                'header' => 'Authorization: Bearer '.json_decode($token->result)
$wsdlUrl = 'http://magento.m2/soap/default?wsdl&services=directoryCurrencyInformationAcquirerV1';
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, ['version' => SOAP_1_2, 'context' => $context]);
$soapResponse = $soapClient->__getFunctions();

Refer this link for more details -



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Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Thanks @Manthan Dave.

I got some idea on this now.

one more issue is that this URL  - http://localhost:81/magento2-2.2.5/api/v2_soap/?wsdl=1

is not getting open.


What could be the reason.



Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


Glad to know that you got some idea how to use this API 


Regarding the URL which you have shared , from where you get this URL ? i think its not there in WSDL magento soap api library - something is missing in this url !

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Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


So which magento version are you using ? - because they have mention that this api won't work on magento 2 and in magento 1.9 lower version as well !


so its mainly depends on your magento version !


below is what they have written !


Running Magento CE v1.9.x (2.0 not supported) or Enterprise v1.14.x (2.0 not supported). 



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Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @Manthan Dave


We are using newer version Magento 2.

Then for the newer version from where I will get this url .



Re: Magento 2 SOAP with C#

Hi @gautam_gautam


I understand your concern , but for that you need to contact to this -


As they are not supporting soap api so


for magento 2 native api , you can refer this link -


Hope it helps !

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