Hello @cheung_hoi ching2
are you using module for ajax add to cart or mini cart delete then disable it and check it
Hello @cheung_hoi ching2
seems like form key issue
if you go to https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.3-develop/app/code/Magento/Checkout/Controller/Sidebar/Re...
if (!$this->getFormKeyValidator()->validate($this->getRequest())) { return $this->resultRedirectFactory->create()->setPath('*/cart/'); }
remove this code and check it.
if works then form key issue
if works then mark as solution,
Removing this solves the issue,
if (!$this->getFormKeyValidator()->validate($this->getRequest())) { return $this->resultRedirectFactory->create()->setPath('*/cart/'); }
but looks like it's not good to remove this validation. Maybe in future, it will result in more problems? Is there another way out.
Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Magento\GoogleShoppingAds\Plugin\DeleteProductFromSidebar::afterExecute() must be an instance of Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http, instance of Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Redirect\Interceptor given
Above is the error for me.