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Magento Catalog price including tax is not working

Magento Catalog price including tax is not working

Magento catalog price showing price excluding tax but all the settings are inclusive of tax.


My product price is Inclusive of Taxes; Say 1000

In Calculation Settings -> Catalog Price = Including Tax

In Price Display Settings -> Display Product Prices In Catalog = Inclusive Tax


But the price in catalog shows deducting tax amount from the price mentioned in Product from admin panel.


Very strange, if I choose to show inclusive and exclusive both. I get both prices as same on frontend.


Also, if I choose, In Calculation Settings -> Catalog Price = Exclusive.


Frontend shows price as correct as 1000 but within few hours if I visit the page again. It shows 1000 - taxes.


I these steps when I try, I am cleaning the cache properly, even generating static files again.